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Book Review: White Horse by Alex Adams

I don’t normally stray from my science fiction bubble when reading fiction. When I do it’s rare, and I only stray if something really catches my eye.

So when I came across WHITE HORSE by Alex Adams I was intrigued by the post-apocolyptic world she had crafted.

From Amazon:

“The world has ended, but her journey has just begun.

Thirty-year-old Zoe leads an ordinary life until the end of the world arrives. She is cleaning cages and floors at Pope Pharmaceuticals when the president of the United States announces that human beings are no longer a viable species. When Zoe realizes that everyone she loves is disappearing, she starts running. Scared and alone in a shockingly changed world, she embarks on a remarkable journey of survival and redemption. Along the way, Zoe comes to see that humans are defined not by their genetic code, but rather by their actions and choices. White Horse offers hope for a broken world, where love can lead to the most unexpected places.”

Our story begins with our heroine, Zoe, trekking through Italy, on her way to Greece. The majority of the world’s population has been killed by the mysterious “White Horse.” Those humans still alive live in squalor. Those affected by White Horse and still living are changed. Zoe has to fight her way through this world to reach her final destination: Greece.

Why Greece? Read the book, I’m not going to spoil that for you.

WHITE HORSE is an excellent read that draws you in further to this destroyed future. Each chapter is split between NOW – the post-apocolyptic world and Zoe’s quest to Greece – and THEN – before everything went to hell and during White Horse’s rampage across the world. As White Horse drowns the world in blood and sorrow you are witness to the very best and the very, very worst of humanity.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. So much, in fact, that my boss told me to put down my Kindle. I was drawn in by the struggles of Zoe and the friends she makes along the way as they try to stay alive and stay human throughout the whole book. Sometimes it’s hard. More than once Zoe is forced to make a choice between holding to her pre-apocolypse morals, or forget them and fall to the level of others.

It even has sci-fi in it! So that was some icing on the cake. 🙂 Alex Adams weaves the science fiction part very well into the story – just enough so it’s almost believeable that it could maybe happen.

The end is amazing. Quite a few well placed, Earth-shattering twists. The whole book Alex Adams builds the tension of Zoe getting to Greece. That’s another reason I had to keep reading. Throughout the book Zoe desperately needs to get to Greece. By the end of the book you’re rooting for her and hoping she will get to her destination and find whatever or whomever it is that she is looking for, and find out why. I got a little choked up at the end.

Just sayin’ . . . but don’t tell anyone that. Men don’t cry. Manly men. PROTEIN! and TESTOSTERONE!

I highly recommend WHITE HORSE. Get your copy today, here: http://www.amazon.com/White-Horse-ebook/dp/B005JSV1F6/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1346349469&sr=1-1