Tagged: no

On Hold

It’s been almost a year since I release my book “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA”. The goal was to rapidly write the next novel following Petr and his motley crew on their next adventure. It was a lofty goal.

It’s a goal I’m unable to meet.

Between work, school, reading for work and school, and kids the second book in Petr’s adventures has been put on hold.

When will Petr’s adventures be taken back up? I can’t say. Work is about to get more busy, while my other commitments in life are set to be just as, if not more, taxing.

Such is life I suppose. One has to say “No” to things in order to maintain balance and order in life. So perhaps it’s healthy. However, it’s also disappointing. I enjoy writing fiction. To take this break seems like a setback.

Hopefully I can write some short fiction in the meantime. Maybe it will be in the “Star Folk” universe. Maybe it will be something else.

Until then, I’ll work to post here more often. Social media is a real dumpster fire. Facebook is bad. Twitter is absolute trash. Instagram…maybe I’ll keep Instagram.

Until next time.