Jason stared out from his position on the wall of FOB Chicken Hawk. He looked at nothing in particular. Though he scanned his sector for terrs his mind was on his lost pod. It had taken Jason the better part of a year to get the damaged Armored Pod he’d found to the level of repair he’d achieved. 

In one evening, all of Jason’s hard work was wiped away. 

Vince and his technicians had set to work dismantling Jason’s labor of love to repair Task Unit Commander Gray’s AP. Jason understood the utilitarian need. Gray’s AP functioned, and Squadron headquarters couldn’t push logistics convoys with the required AP parts to FOB Chicken Hawk in light of expected terr attacks in sector. It would have been foolish for Vince to leave prime AP parts just sitting there simply because of Jason’s feelings toward the pod. 

It didn’t make it any easier for Jason to accept. All my work gone, Jason thought as he scanned the fields and plains surrounding FOB Chicken Hawk. I’ll never get a pod now

Jason had to admit his dream of piloting a pod had been a pipe dream in the first place. Even if he completed work on the damaged pod, no other parts such as guns, legs, and other chassis were readily available. Task Unit Commander Gray only had his pod and associated attachments due to the military’s supply chain, his rank, and his experience – Jason had none of that for a pod of his own. 

“Are you still griping about that pod?” Gabe stood to Jason’s left. 

“Huh?” Jason asked as he turned to face Gabe. 

“What were you going to do with it if you did fix it?” Gabe asked. 

“Pilot it.” Jason recognized the ridiculousness of his statement even before the words left his mouth. 

“With what other parts?” Gabe asked. 

Jason sighed and turned back to scanning his sector. “I don’t know, man. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I just wanted to get it fixed and then. . .” Jason’s voice trailed off. 

“You may not have an Armored Pod,” Carlos said from Jason’s right, “but I’m glad you’re our element commander.” 

Jason turned to Carlos and smiled. “Thanks.” 

“Now stop griping,” Carlos spat. 

“Yeah, yeah,” Jason said with a frown. 

“You had a pod?” a woman’s voice asked. 

Jason turned around to see Kveta Grof standing behind and below him inside the FOB, hands on her hips. The walls of the FOB weren’t particularly high, and Jason was sure the voices of he and his men carried as they bantered away. 

“It was a damaged one I found in a farmer’s field a while back,” Jason said. “I had been working to fix it.” 

“And then it had to be used to fix your TUC’s A-P,” Kveta said. She pronounced the abbreviation for Task Unit Commander as “tuck” instead of saying each letter. 

“That is such a weird way to say the Task Unit Commander’s rank,” Jason said. 

“It’s how we say it in the city,” Kveta replied. 

“Well, we’re not in the city,” Jason countered. “How do y’all say Element Commander?” 


“I guess that’s normal.” 

“So now you have no pod,” Kevta said, changing the subject. 

“Right,” Jason sighed. “I guess I never really did. Was a nice thought.” Jason turned back to face the plains and hills surrounding the FOB. “It is what it is.” 

“So now what?” Kveta asked. 

Jason shrugged. “Now I lead my element with my truck.” 

“Issued to you by the Army.” 

Jason shook his head but didn’t turn around. “Nope, it’s mine, bought and paid for. The Army needs vehicles, especially out here in the boonies, so we irregulars, and some regular army, get to keep their personal vehicles and obtain leadership positions that way. That’s why I’m element commander.” 

“So, it’s not based on your abilities,” Kveta said. 

Jason was about to reply when the seven men of his element erupted in raucous laughter. 

“That’s for damn sure,” Berny said. 

“If Jason didn’t have that truck, he’d be a grunt like us,” Andy said. 

Carlos nudged Jason in the shoulder with his elbow. “I’d probably be E-C if that was the case.” 

“Maybe we wouldn’t get shot up so much,” Gabe added. 

“Hilarious,” Jason said with a frown. 

Jason turned to see Kveta with a grin on her face. 

“Why do you want to know?” Jason asked. 

“Just curious,” Kveta said, then turned to walk away. “I want to know what I’m dealing with out here away from the city.” 

Jason turned back to the wall and shook his head. “Typical city folk,” he said, voice low to make sure Kveta couldn’t hear him. “Thinking they’re better than us.” 

“She is better than us,” Carlos replied. “From her new gear to her fine-” 

An explosion a hundred meters to Jason’s right and in front of the wall cut off Carlos’ words. 

“Contact!” Multiple voices along the wall cried out in unison. 

Someone down the line along the wall pointed out and away from the FOB. “Here they come!” 

Jason looked up to see a long line of personnel and an array of technicals crest a small hill to bear down on FOB Chicken Hawk and its defenders. Several of the technicals – civilian vehicles modified into weapons of war, like Jason’s pickup truck – sported recoilless rifles. Jason could see the crews on the back of the technical which mounted the recoilless rifles work to load more rounds and yell at the drivers to slow down. 

Task Unit Commander Gray’s voice filled Jason’s ears via the headset he wore. “All Hawk elements, this is Hawk Actual, weapons free!” 

“Light them up!” Jason exclaimed. 

Half a moment later the air was filled with rounds of multiple calibers flying toward the oncoming hoard of terrs. Some troops guarding the walls of FOB Chicken Hawk hadn’t waited for the order, and were already changing magazines to pour more fire into the advancing enemy. One-hundred-twenty-millimeter mortars were launched into the air from the backs of TU-17 technicals to fall and explode amidst the clumps of oncoming enemy. Terrorist troops began to fall left and right, struck by the bullets of Task Unit One-Seven. 

A heavy machine gun mounted in one of FOB Chicken Hawk’s towers raked back and forth over two enemy technicals. The .50 caliber rounds punched into the vehicles’ engine blocks and windshields, and into their drivers. One technical rolled to a stop, its driver little more than a red mess in the shattered glass-covered driver’s seat. The driver of the second technical jerked as he was hit and turned the wheel. The second technical swerved hard before it tipped over on its side and spilled its occupants and their weapons all over the plains. They were sitting ducks for the TU-17 defenders. 

“This is too easy!” Vic exclaimed before he took aim and sank a burst of rounds into a particularly skinny, short terr jogging toward the FOB amidst the hail of fire. 

“They’re either very brave or very stupid running in the open like that,” said Vic. 

Jason continued to mash the butterfly trigger of the Ma Deuce he pulled from his truck to mount on the FOB wall. “That is a fine line.” 

While the terr attack had begun strong, it seemed to quickly taper off as the defenders’ resolve repulsed them. A handful of terrorist personnel and technicals had made it to the wall, only to receive the gift of grenades and automatic fire from above. Several terrs and technicals exploded in the middle of the plain when hit just right, apparently strapped with improvised explosive devices to destroy the FOB wall. 

Jason sensed this particular battle was over – an underwhelming performance compared to the details in the intel they uncovered, in Jason’s opinion – when another sound filled the air over the din of combat. The sound was greeted by cheers and hollers from the terrs. Suddenly, the battle flared up again as enemy troops who had been fleeing or hiding found renewed courage and motivation at the thing which entered the battlefield on their side. 

“Armored pod!” someone from down the line yelled. 

Jason watched as the AP crested a small hill. It looked similar to Task Unit Commander Gray’s – reverse joint bipedal legs, standard bulky power pack and communications suite on the back, and a gun mounted on either side of the spherical pod. It was a standard, widely available load out from the war.  

The enemy AP began to pelt the FOB wall with thirty-millimeter autocannon fire. Some shots fell short and hit the ground around FOB Chicken Hawk, some rounds even hit some of the terrs charging the FOB. Not the best pilot, Jason thought. A few rounds from the enemy AP found their mark, and the FOB wall shook, dirt, sand and debris spilling from the block barriers comprising the fortification. 

Jason heard the repeated thump of autocannon fire from the other side of the FOB. 

“All Hawk Elements, this is Hawk Actual, enemy Armored Pod at the FOB E-C-P,” Gray reported over the comm from his position at FOB Chicken Hawks entry control point. “Engaging.” 

“Two AP’s?” Gabe exclaimed with an added curse at the end. “We’re screwed!” 

Jason discounted Gabe’s perception of events as he saw an opportunity in the chaos. 

“Gabe, with me,” Jason said suddenly. 

“W-what?” Gabe stammered. 

Jason turned to Carlos. “Keep up the fire up here, see if any of the other elements can spare a few rocket launchers.” 

“What the hell are you going to do?” Carlos shot back. 

Jason didn’t respond to Carlos’ question. Instead, Jason flipped his Ma Deuce to rest over his left shoulder and dragged at Gabe’s torn brown shirt with his right hand. Gabe looked at Jason wide-eyed. 

“What are we doing?” Gabe asked as he followed Jason off the FOB palisade and toward Jason’s parked pickup truck. 

“We’re going to take out that AP,” Jason replied. 

“Y-you’re nuts!” Gabe exclaimed. “You’re going to get us killed.” 

“Not today,” Jason replied. “Now drive.” 

“My mom was right.” Gabe’s tone was dejected. “I should have stayed in finance.” 

Jason mounted and locked the .50 caliber machine gun back on top of the pickup, then slapped the vehicle’s roof. “Gun it!” 

Gabe hit the gas the moment the truck started up. Jason was forced to hold on for dear life as Gabe followed his orders and made the beat-up maroon pickup fly through the FOB and out the ECP. To Jason’s left he could see Gray’s AP engaging with the other enemy AP. It was clear Gray had the upper hand as his twin autocannons pummeled the enemy AP in the machine’s weak spots in the joints and weapon mount points. Gray didn’t move slow, but methodically, taking cover behind a small stand of trees when the enemy AP got a bead on him, only to appear on the other side to hammer the enemy machine again. The enemy AP pilot seemed stressed and erratic, and shots that should have hit Gray’s AP went wide. Task Unit Commander Gray walked his AP forward to finish off the terr machine. 

“Drive around the FOB and toward the other enemy A-P,” Jason ordered Gabe. 

“I’m going to die,” Jason heard Gabe say from the driver’s seat. “This is it. Today’s the day.” 

Despite his misgivings Gabe kept his foot on the gas and propelled the pickup faster over the rolling plains. Soon the other enemy AP was in sight. The bipedal walking metal ball had closed the distance to the FOB wall, and the TU-17 defenders were hard pressed to repel it. 

As they plowed through the battlefield Jason and Gabe passed groups of terr fighters advancing on the FOB. Some of the terrs took pot shots at them, but many just gaped at what they saw, unsure what to do. 

Jason depressed the Ma Deuce’s butterfly trigger with his thumbs and rained .50 caliber rounds into the terr AP.  

“Drive into him,” Jason ordered. 

Gabe said something undistinguishable as he hit the gas harder. The pickups engine revved louder as Gabe and Jason practically flew toward the enemy AP. The terr AP suddenly seemed to notice Jason firing at it, and turned its guns toward him as he neared. As the enemy machine turned to bring Jason and Gabe into its crosshairs it lifted a three-toed metal foot. 

“Turn and break!” Jason exclaimed. 

Suddenly, inertia pulled Jason the direction he had been going as Gabe swung the pickup around at the last minute and broke hard. The side of the truck slammed into the terr AP’s still planted foot. Jason braced himself in the bed of the pickup and held onto his machine gun with a white-knuckled grip. 

Jason knew it had been a gamble. The AP was significantly heavier than his little pickup by several tons. Normally a maneuver like this would barely have phased the AP and its pilot. But, the force of the crash with the AP’s foot in the air, the other foot at an odd angle on plains, and the poor piloting by the terr inside created the opportunity Jason needed – and it paid off. 

The terr AP pitched forward and left to crash to the ground. A cheer rose from the FOB wall and the TU-17 defenders repulsed the advancing terrs with renewed vigor. Though rattled from the crash with the AP Jason didn’t hesitate to launch himself from the back of the pickup and toward the spherical pod itself. 

A smart AP pilot would have remained calm in the situation the terr AP was in. Though grounded, it still had use of its autocannons and could still wreak havoc on the walls of FOB Chicken Hawk, perhaps even kill some of the TU-17 troops. A very skilled AP pilot could have even stood the machine back up and returned to the fight. The terr pilot was neither smart nor skilled. He tried moving the AP’s feet, only to grind them into the dry, plains soil. At the same time the terr pilot swung both autocannons wildly. In the end, the enemy pilot managed only to dig him and his AP a shallow grave. 

At first Jason gave the AP a wide berth, a personal 9mm pistol held up and ready in the event any other terrs approached. When the enemy AP pilot decided to stop moving, Jason rushed the pod. 

“Come on out!” Jason ordered, his voice sharp and deep. “Surrender, or we’ll blow this A-P with you in it.” 

There was a pause, and for a moment Jason thought the terr pilot decided to take his chances and hunker down in his armored shell. A moment later there was a hiss and the sound of machinery, and the front of the spherical pod folded open. A bedraggled, elderly man in a threadbare cut-off brown shirt and olive drab shorts stomped out of the pod, his torn-up hiking boots thumping off the pod’s metal armor. 

“I surrender,” the elder terr said in a gruff voice. 

Soon the battle was over. With the loss of both of their APs and dozens, if not hundreds, of their fighters, the terrs fled in disorganized retreat from FOB Chicken Hawk. 

Reports from Squadron HQ spilled in after the battle. Similar battles played out throughout the area of operations. Other combat task units and Squadron Headquarters repelled legions of terrorist forces augmented by one or two Armored Pods each. Some of the pods were clearly salvaged wrecks from The War, but others were of newer manufacture. Squadron intel believed it meant one of the governments further West had begun supplying the terrorists to a greater degree than before. 

With the battle over and the elderly terr AP pilot handed over to the Intel Task Unit Eleven personnel for questioning, Jason wanted to recover his prize. 

“You want to what?” Brad Feldman asked. 

Jason stood in the Task Unit headquarters. Task Unit Commander Josiah Gray sat behind his desk in front of Jason. Brad and the Task Unit’s head mechanic, Vince, stood to Jason’s left. 

“That was reckless,” Gray said, his tone cold. “You could have been killed, along with your driver.” 

“But it worked,” Jason countered. 

Gray was silent, acquiescing to Jason’s logic. 

“Who the hell do you think you are, claiming an A-P?” Brad asked. 

“An irregular,” Gray said, his voice a growl. “You know the laws.” 

Jason tried not to smile, but the thought of what he had achieved made it difficult. “In an effort to attract and maintain irregular forces, irregulars may claim salvage of enemy equipment and material directly neutralized by that individual.” Jason quoted the law almost verbatim. 

The laws surrounding irregular troops – once called National Guard or Reserves – were written shortly after The War when the government found itself short troops. Along with the requirement irregular units be pulled from the same town, or at least the same county, irregulars were also allowed to claim battlefield salvage. Active military, on the other hand, were generally required to pool battlefield salvage into the unit’s motor pool, except in cases where there was a certain level of excess. 

Brad cursed colorfully and loudly. 

“That’s the law, sir,” Jason said. “I request assets to retrieve my prize.” 

Gray stared hard and long at Jason. 

“Fine,” Gray finally said. “Vince, help Element Commander Brenner retrieve his salvage. Make it quick.” 

“Yes sir,” Vince replied. 

“Thank you, sir,” Jason said. 

Outside Task Unit HQ and out of view of Gray and Brad Feldman, Vince held up a fist. “Congrats, man.” 

Jason knocked fists with Vince. “Thanks.” 

“Now, let’s go get you’re A-P.” 


“Wake up.”

Jason started at the voice inside his shipping container room. Hadn’t he locked the door the night before?

“Geeze, you irregulars really are lazy,” the voice continued.

Jason rubbed his eyes hard to clear the blurriness of sleep and see his tormentor clearly.

“Oh, Brad, what do you want?” Jason asked with chagrin.

Brad Feldmann was the Element Commander of First Element in Task Unit One-Seven. Brad was regular Army, and a veteran of numerous anti-insurgent battles.

“Making sure you lazy irregulars are up and ready,” Brad sneered.

Jason looked at the digital clock next to his twin bed. “It’s zero-five. Our planning meeting with Task Unit Commander Gray isn’t until zero eight.”

Brad stepped closer to Jason so he was eye to eye with him, their noses mere inches apart. “In the Army we wake-up early.”

“And what are you going to do for the three hours between now and our planning meeting with Gray? Hang out with your boyfriend in Second Element?”

“Brewer isn’t my boyfriend,” Brad said with a growl.

“Oh so you two are just fellow window-licking retards, then.”

Suddenly, Brad’s fist flew up to meet Jason’s face. Jason took a step back and slapped the fist away.

“Now, now, do I need to kick your ass again like I did in the ring last week?” Jason asked.

The week prior Jason fought Brad in a unit-sanctioned mixed martial arts match and beat him soundly. Brad was more muscular than Jason, but Jason had more skill.

“I’ll get you next time,” Brad said, his fists still up, ready for a fight.

“Sure,” Jason retorted. “By the way, how did you get into my room?”

“It was unlocked,” Brad said, lowering his fists a fraction of an inch.


“You irregulars really are lazy.”

“I must have been more tired than I thought,” Jason said. “I stayed up working on my pod.”

“That thing that will never run?”

“Shut up.”

Brad turned to leave. “Just make sure you’re not late, irregular.”

Brad slammed the door to Jason’s room as he left.

“Regular Army thinking they’re better than us,” Jason said with a huff.

Since he was up anyway, Jason decided to workout at the FOB gym. He noticed Brad was there, too, and made sure to add extra weight to his deadlifts. With lifting and a grueling kettlebell workout out of the way, Jason showered, threw on a clean muscle shirt, olive drab shorts, socks and his beat up boots (he’d have to replace those when he went to town on leave) and made his way to the mess hall for breakfast.

Jason strode into the Task Unit One-Seven headquarters to be greeted by the staff and seven other Element Commanders within Task Unit One-Seven standing around a square table. There were two people Jason didn’t recognize standing off by themselves. Who are they? From squadron maybe? One of the newcomers was a tall, fit redhead with green eyes and curvaceous body. 

“Irregulars late as usual,” Brad said as Jason approached the table.

Jason checked his watch. “It’s zero-seven-four-five hours.”

“We’re not late,” said Victor Koenig, another irregular and Element Commander of Seventh Element.

John Krecek, the Sixth Element commander and an irregular himself, folded his beefy arms over his broad, t-shirt-clad chest. “You regular army boys need to cool your jets. We’re supposed to be working together. Why do you gotta corn cob up your ass? Why do you gotta antagonize us like that?”

“Shut up, K,” Brad said with a snarl, using Krecek’s nickname.

“Or what?” K asked.

Brad was about to respond when Gray walked into the HQ. “Alright, stow that talk.”

“Just getting the irregulars in line,” Brad said.

Gray stopped just short of the group of staff and element commanders and glared down at Brad. “I told you to shut up once. Don’t make me do it again.”

“Yes, sir,” Brad said sheepishly.

“Now,” Gray continued, “we have a mission sent down from Squadron to seek out and destroy a major terr encampment. We’ll break down the Squadron operations order shortly, but the gist of the mission is we seek out and destroy the camp while the other combat Task Units in the squadron draw the terr’s attention elsewhere with their own attacks. It’s going to be an intel heavy operation, so we’ll be working with two intel elements from Military Intelligence Task Unit One-one.” Gray motioned toward the vivacious redhead and her compatriot. “This is Element Commander Kveta Grof and Element Commander Jared Smicer. They will plug in with us directly. I expect you to work closely with them.”

I’d love to work closely with her, Jason thought as he eyed Kveta.

“Any questions at this time?” Gray asked.

There were none.

“Alright, let’s start this planning session.” Gray motioned to Bill Edelman, Task Unit One-Seven’s intelligence officer. “Edelman, let’s start with the overall situation in the area.”


“Of course you volunteered us for point,” Gabe said in complaint as he drove the beat-up maroon pickup truck through the grassy hills ahead of the rest of TU17.

Planning had taken all of the previous day. As more of the plan was developed, Jason and the other element commanders would duck out to relay updates to their eight-man elements so preparations could be made while planning continued. That night at twenty hundred hours Gray issued the order to the whole of Task Unit One-Seven, and seven hours later TU17 drove out of FOB Chicken Hawk’s main gate to find the terr base.

“Hey, this is our chance to get a major terr base,” Jason replied from his vantage point behind the Ma Deuce on the back of the pickup. “I wanna get there first.”

“I think you just want to impress that redhead from T-U-one-one,” Carlos said.

“Can you blame him?” Danny asked before Jason could respond. “I couldn’t stop staring at her. The way she walks. . .”

“I’m more of a boob guy, myself,” Andy said.

“I’m a whatever-she-is kinda guy,” Danny said.

“What kind of name is Kveta Grof?” Matt asked.

“It’s Czech,” Carlos replied.

“I wouldn’t mind czech-ing her out,” Berny said.

Jason’s element emitted a collective groan at Berny’s bad joke.

“Get it?” Berny continued. “Because she-”

“Yeah, we get it,” Jason said.

“Y’all are acting like you’ve never seen a woman before,” Gabe said.

“Well, stuck on the FOB and missions for the last few weeks makes a guy lonely,” Carlos said.

“There are plenty of females on our FOB,” said Gabe.

“They have too many miles on them,” Carlos said in disgust. “You can’t throw a rock without hitting a group of guys on the FOB they’ve been with.”

“And given STDs to,” Berny said.

“First hand experience?” Matt asked.

Berny hesitated a second, his slightly chubby face turning red. “No.”

“Let’s be honest, the females on FOB Chicken Hawk are only attractive here, because there is no one else,” Carlos said. “Not one of them would get the time of day back in the towns or the city. This Grof chick is at least a nine no matter where she goes.”

“Hawk eight-one, this is Hawk Actual, SITREP,” Gray called Jason over the Task Unit secure communications channel for a situation report.

“Hawk Actual this is Hawk eight-one,” Jason replied into his headset. “No enemy contact, current grid location to follow.”

Jason tracked their position on the paper map he had affixed to the top of the truck’s cab top in front of him, and relayed the coordinates to Gray.

“Hawk eight-on, Hawk Actual, good copy. Continue mission.”

“Isn’t the base supposed to be in this area?” Gabe asked.

Jason looked at the map in front of him again and frowned. “It is. In fact, we’re just about right on top of it.”

Jason lifted his head and looked around. The only thing he could see were rolling hills bisected by dirt and gravel roads every square mile. Some of the land had been planted to corn or wheat, but many more plots lay fallow due to the recent terr activity.

“All this land unfarmed due to the damned terrs,” Carlos said from his position in the front passenger seat. “Those idiots don’t even know how to farm. How do they even survive?”

“Someone is supplying them,” Jason said as he scanned the surrounding area for the enemy. “West Coasters or Denver.”

“Bunch of idiots,” Carlos said, shaking his head.

“Aren’t you from Denver?” Berny asked.

“Before The War,” Carlos replied. “There’s a reason I left.”

“Ope!” Gabe exclaimed suddenly. “Saw something, twelve o’ clock, about four hundred meters.”

“Dismount and spread out,” Jason said. “Wedge with the truck as point, fifteen to twenty foot spacing.”

A string of acknowledgements answered Jason’s order and six of his men spilled out of the vehicle and into the mix of long dead crops and growing prairie grasses. Gabe drove the pickup forward, ensuring to go slow enough so the other six men in the element could keep up.

At first Jason couldn’t see anything. Maybe Gabe saw a coyote or rabbit. As they crested a hill, though, Jason spotted what remained of a tent.

“There,” Jason said, pointing to the tent. “Someone’s been here.”

Another hundred meters or so beyond the tent was a large copse of trees perpendicular to Jason’s position.

“And they can see us again,” Gabe sighed.

Jason wasn’t so sure. “I’m going to call it up.”

A moment later Gray responded to Jason over the Task Unit net. “Hawk eight-one this is Hawk Actual. What do you have for me?”

“Hawk Actual, Hawk eight-one. We found an abandoned tent at the following grid location.” Jason rattled off the grid coordinates of the tent. “Approximately a hundred meters further is a group of trees which could provide cover and concealment.”

“Hawk eight-one, Hawk Actual, have you been spotted?”

“Hawk Actual, Hawk eight-one, unknown, but no one is shooting at us. I’m going to advance into the trees.”

 “Hawk eight-one, Hawk Actual, affirmative. Move out and report. I’m moving to your position to support. Hawk Actual out.”

“Task Unit Commander is bringing the big guns,” Jason announced.

“Oh boy!” Carlos exclaimed. “Terrs won’t know what hit them!”

“So what now?” Gabe asked.

“We’ll advance into the trees,” Jason replied.

“Shouldn’t we wait for Gray?” Carlos asked.

“Gray said to move out and report,” Jason replied. “He’ll be here soon. We can handle anything we run into until then. Now let’s go.”

Gabe rolled the vehicle forward while Jason scanned the trees and surrounding grassy plains. Even from his vantage point he couldn’t see anything too far into the darkness of the thick tree cover.

“Normally they’d shoot at us by now,” Gabe said from the driver’s seat.

Jason shrugged. “Maybe they’re not here. Intel can be wrong, you know.”

Gabe just grunted in response.

Jason expected to make contact with the enemy the moment they crossed from the field into the trees – they hadn’t been shot at up until that point, and an ambush was the terr’s most likely course of action at that point. But as the pickup rolled under the shade of the trees and Jason pushed branches out of his way they were met with silence.

Then Jason spotted it: a group of tents huddled together with branches broken off trees and laid over their tops for impromptu camouflage. Poor impromptu camouflage, Jason thought as he trained his Ma Deuce on the collection of tents.

“Tents, twelve o’ clock,” Jason called out.

By that point if the terrs hadn’t seen or heard Jason and his element they were either deaf or already dead. The pickup truck’s rumbling engine was the opposite of quiet, and the six other men in Jason’s element crunching through brush and over fallen tree limbs didn’t attempt to muffle their movements.

Jason was just about to report the collection of terr tents when a man stumbled from one of the tent openings wearing only his underwear. Gabe hit the brakes and the eight-man element came to a halt close enough to hit the terr with a well-aimed rock. The man wobbled on unsure legs as he made his way from the tent he occupied to the edge of the atrociously camouflaged encampment. If the terr noticed Jason and his men he didn’t show it. After three precarious steps past the farthest tent the terr dropped trow and began to urinate.

“What the. . .” Carlos whispered, as if concerned he’d alert the terr directly in front of them.

The man’s eyes were closed, and as he peed he lowered his head and held a hand to it with a groan.

“They’re drunk,” Jason said. “Or hungover.”

Jason’s voice seemed to snap the terr out of his pain for a moment and the man’s head whipped up to stare wide-eyed at Jason and his men.

Just as the terr opened his mouth to alert the rest of the camp, Berny put two rounds in the man’s head. The terr’s head snapped back, and blood sprayed from his destroyed cranium before his corpse collapsed to the ground.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose in the camp. Terrorist men and women, and perhaps their hangers-on, spilled out of the collection of tents in different states of undress and coherency, a myriad of weapons proffered in their hands.

Jason didn’t wait for the terrs to gather their wits and rained .50 caliber bullets into them. Jason’s men followed suit with their AKs. Men and women fell like corn to a combine under Jason’s element’s onslaught.

“Hawk Actual, Hawk eight-one, contact, terrs, twenty-five meters,” Jason reported over the Task Unit net.

“Hawk eight-one, Hawk Actual, how many?” Gray replied in Jason’s ear.

“Hawk Actual, Hawk eight-one, a lot.”

“Hawk eight-one, Hawk Actual, I’m on your right flank, moving to support.”

The air was suddenly filled the the heavy, mechanical thumps of twin thirty-millimeter autocannons. The giant rounds ripped into the terrs and their tents as Task Unit Commander Gray walked his Armored Pod into the copse of trees. Gray’s AP was a basic model; the pod itself, resembling a giant armored baseball, sat mounted on two reverse-join legs, the twin thirty mike-mikes jutting out from modular points on either side of the pod, and the pod’s power pack situated on the back of the pod looked like a giant backpack.

Those terrs still left saw the AP and ran, some naked, many without shoes.

“Hawk three-one, Hawk Actual,” Jason heard Gray say over the Task Unit communications channel sas he continued to fire. “Terrs in the open headed your way. Swing around and catch them. Hawk one-one and Hawk two-one, set a blocking position a hundred meters behind Hawk three-one and catch any squirters. Hawk four-one-”

Gray’s words were cut off by an explosion against the AP’s armor. The AP rocked on on its feet, but Gray managed to keep the pod upright. Within the camp, hidden between some fallen logs, a terr stood with a rocket propelled grenade launcher. Jason peppered the terr’s position, but missed as the man ducked behind cover. Another terr popped out of some brush to launch another RPG at Gray’s AP. Gray cut the man down, but not before the terr fired the rocket. The RPG slammed into the bottom of Gray’s ball-like pod.

“This is Hawk Actual to all Hawk elements, I am still mission capable.” Jason breathed a sigh of relief as he heard Gray’s voice and watched the AP stride through the smoke which hung in the air. “Hawk four-one, move to my position, coordinates to follow.” Gray rattled off the grid coordinate before continuing. “Hawk five-one, six-one and seven-one set up a perimeter to catch any squirters which don’t move toward Hawk three-one.”

Jason hammered the top of the pickup cab with the palm of his hand as Gray rattled off more coordinates for the other elements in Task Unit one-seven to maneuver to. “Gabe, drive forward. Everyone, stay on line with the vehicle. Time to clean-up!”

Before Gabe could hit the gas Gray’s voice filled Jason’s ear once more. “Hawk eight-one, remain in place. Our friends from Military Intel Task Unit one-one will move forward of your position and conduct site exploitation. Provide overwatch for them. How copy?”

“Hawk Actual, Hawk eight-one, good copy.”

Just as Gray signed off four pristine-looking armored vehicles pulled past Jason and his men and up to the terr camp site.

“Man, city units get all the good stuff,” Carlos said as he pointed to the two armored trucks.

The moment the armored vehicles stopped the two elements from Military Intelligence Task Unit one-one spilled out of the doors, compact automatic rifles up and scanning the area.

Gabe pointed from the driver’s seat of Jason’s maroon pickup. “Even their gear is better.”

Each man and woman in the M.I. elements had matching plate carriers, magazine carriers, and helmets. Their uniforms, though worn, were in better shape than anything most of the men in Task Unit one-seven could scrounge up. They even had matching tactical sunglasses.

“Must be nice,” Berny said.

As his men spoke Jason noticed Kveta Grof, her fiery red hair pulled into a tight bun under the brim of her combat helmet. As she ran her uniform hugged her well formed buttocks, and her ample bosom pushed her plate carrier forward.

“She’s nice,” Jason said.

“And how,” Carlos said as he noticed where Jason looked.

As Kveta Grof and Jared Smicer directed their personnel around the ruined terrorist camp site Gray walked his AP forward to stand near Jason and his men.

“Hawk eight-one, Hawk Actual, good work today. You make the irregular soldiers in our Task Unit, and in the armed force, proud.”

Jason heard “K” and Victor Koenig whoop over the net.

“Don’t tell him that,” Brad Feldman said over the Task Unit communications channel. “He’ll think he’s useful.”

Just then Kveta strode up to Gray’s AP. “Task Unit Commander Gray, you’re going to want to see this.”

“Unfortunately I’m stuck in my pod,” Gray said through the AP’s external speaker. “Those RPGs did some serious damage to my machine. What do you have?”

“Maps of our FOBs and attack plans,” Kveta replied.


There was no rest for Task Unit one-seven and FOB Chicken Hawk. Upon their return Gray set the entire base to work preparing for what seemed to be an impending attack. Kveta Grof and Jared Smicer communicated their find from the Task Unit headquarters while Gray was extricated from his AP by Vince and his mechanics. 

Hours later Gray pulled himself out of the bipedal pod and stretched legs stiff and painful from being stuck in one position for so long. Despite his discomfort, Gray ran from the Task Unit motor pool to the headquarters to obtain updates from Squadron and ensure FOB Chicken Hawk was ready.

With preparations complete and his men in place in their designated sector on the FOB walls, Jason stole away to check in on his pod. He told Carlos he had to piss.

“You don’t have to pretend you’re not scared,” Carlos said.

“Funny,” Jason retorted.

Jason ducked into the maintenance shop and slipped past mechanics and technicians busily repairing and reinforcing several of the Task Unit’s vehicles, along with Gray’s AP.

Vince brought Jason up short as he reached his half-repaired pod.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked.

Vince hesitated a moment before answering. “Gray just sent word. Squadron can’t get Armored Pod replacement parts to us. The operations area is too hot for logistics convoys to move through.”

A sinking feeling filled Jason’s stomach.

“I’m sorry,” Vince said. “Your pod is the only way we could fix the Task Unit Commander’s machine.”


The heat that Summer was oppressive. It hung on the land like a thick, heavy blanket no one wanted. The Summer heat brought with it humidity so thick people swore it could be cut with a knife. Cicadas droned their monotonous chorus through the trees interspersed throughout towns and between farmers’ fields. Normally active birds took roost in the shade of trees and the eves of buildings. 

Jason Brenner stood atop the bed of his beat-up mid-sized pick-up truck; the handles of the tripod-mounted M2 Browning .50 caliber machine gun gripped tightly in his gloved hands. Sweat streamed from his blond hair and forehead to sting his bright blue eyes. A ragged, threadbare plate carrier covered a dirty black cut-off muscle shirt which hung loose on Jason’s body. Short khaki shorts were held in place around Jason’s waist by a leather belt. Brown leather boots which had seen better days planted Jason to the metal floor of the truck’s bed. A radio headset adorned Jason’s close-cropped blond hair, connected via wire to the radio clipped to his belt at his hip. Bluetooth models were available, but no one relied on wireless connection out here. 

Around Jason in the bed of the pick-up sat three of his squad of six men; Danny, Vic, and Carlos. Gabe drove the maroon vehicle, and Berny, Andy, and Matt, sat inside the once plush extended crew cab. Each man cradled a Kalashnikov AK-47 or AK-74 – the attempted AR-15 ban years before had made that weapon scarce, but people adapted and overcame the bureaucracy of the time.  Each of Jason’s men also donned plate carriers and radio sets. Gabe and Danny even had ballistic helmets. Optimists. 

The truck had been Jason’s before everything fell apart. Jason’s ownership and maintenance of the vehicle was why he stood on the back with the machine gun and the others followed his orders. It helped Jason was stronger and a better fighter than the other men in his team. It also helped they had all been high school friends in the small town where they grew up. 

“Are you sure these idiots are here?” Gabe asked from the driver’s seat, his window rolled down. The glass wasn’t bulletproof, and there was no point boiling in this heat without air conditioning. 

“The Taks Unit Commander said there was intel of insurgents here,” Jason replied. 

“Then they can see us,” Berny said with a sigh from the front passenger seat. 

Jason eyed the small, tree-covered hillock a few hundred meters in front of them. “They could see us anyway no matter which way we came up on them. They chose a good spot to operate from.” 

“Until now,” Carlos added. 

“Until now,” Jason agreed. “Drive forward, Gabe. Standard movement to contact.” 

“My favorite,” Gabe grumbled as he hit the gas. 

The beat-up maroon pick-up rolled forward over what used to be a farmer’s field, thick treaded tires digging into the sunbaked soil. The field they drove through lay fallow after years of inattention. The truck’s body wobbled and bobbed as the tires hit divots and holes, making its occupants sway and grip tightly to the vehicle’s sides. 

“Damn, Gabe, do you know how to drive?” Vic said with a whine. 

“Shut up,” Gabe grumbled. “You want to drive?” 

“No, I don’t want to be the first target for the enemy,” Vic replied. 

As if summoned by Vic’s words automatic weapons fire belted from the patch of trees, bushes and shrubs on the hillock roughly two hundred meters away. 

Jason smashed the butterfly trigger of the M2 Browning down with his thumbs and released a torrent of heavy .50 caliber rounds into the foliage. “Contact!” 

With practiced precision Gabe slowed the vehicle, and the other six men dumped out and off the truck and into a rough line on either side of it. 

“Advance!” Jason bellowed as he continued to rake the bush with machine gun fire. 

Danny, Vic, Carlos, Berny, Andy, and Matt jogged forward at Jason’s command and fired bursts from their Kalashnikov AK-47 and AK-74 automatic rifles. Gabe drove the pick-up forward to follow in line with the other six men, his own AK stuck out the window to add suppressive fire to the mix. 

Soon Jason could see the insurgents. Four men huddled around some fallen timber for cover. Too easy, Jason thought. 

“Gabe, pull up behind that berm,” Jason ordered through their radio over the din. “Berny, Andy, Matt, take up positions here and continue to lay suppressive fire. Danny, Vic, Carlos, flank left.” 

A series of calm acknowledgements flowed over the radio back to Jason as each man executed their part. As Gabe pulled behind a small berm Jason rotated the M2 Browning back and forth and sent dozens of heavy rounds towards the insurgents. Berny, Andy and Matt “mag dumped” in the insurgents’ directions – accuracy would have been nice, but this would be over soon. 

“Lift fire, advancing,” Danny said over the radio. 

A moment later Danny, Vic and Carlos dashed forward from the insurgents’ left, pelting the enemy with short bursts of fire from the AKs, while Jason and the other men ceased fire so as not to shoot their comrades. Whether they were bad at what they did, or had been worn down from seemingly endless fighting, the insurgents weren’t prepared for the attack to their left flank. Two of the insurgents swung wildly in an attempt to address the attack, only to be gunned down by Danny, Vic and Carlos. Seeing what had become of their own comrades, the remaining two insurgents quickly threw down their guns and threw up their hands. 

“Surrender!” one bearded, disheveled man yelled. “We surrender!” 

“Please!” yelled the other man, equally dirty and bedraggled as his comrade. “Don’t kill us! We surrender!” 

Jason sighed. Just another batch of cowards. 

Three-sixty security,” Jason said. “Search them. Gabe, wheel this bad boy around and scan for anyone trying to get the drop on us.” 

“Yes, boss,” Gabe replied as he began to maneuver the pick-up around. 

Moments later the remaining two insurgents were on their knees, wrists secured behind their backs with black plastic zip-ties. After everything that’s happened, plastic is still manufactured, Jason mused as his men went about searching each insurgent. Jason had dismounted his vehicle to oversee the mop-up activities. 

Carlos approached Jason a moment later. “No intel on these guys. The two still alive say they haven’t eaten for two days.” 

“Nothing?” Jason asked. 

“They say they joined the insurgents with hopes of a meal,” Carlos said with a shrug. “They were given guns, about an hour of training on how to shoot, and orders to terrorize farmers in the area.” Carlos pointed to the bearded man who had surrendered first. “That one, his name is Phil, said they started out with six men, but two of them were killed at the first farm they tried to attack.” 

“Good to see our farmers are still tough as nails,” Jason said with a smile. “Good also to see the terrs getting desperate.” 

Terr was a term the Rhodesians had used during the Rhodesian Bush War for terrorists and insurgents who would hop the border from Mozambique and terrorize locals and farmers. The term caught on almost a century later in the now wild Midwest of the former United States. 

“Desperate, or just causing chaos to distract us,” Carlos added. 

Jason nodded. “That’s a good point. Let’s bag them up and bring them with.” 

Phil and his compatriot, Willy, were forced to lay on top of their dead comrades as space in the bed of the pick-up was scarce. Danny, Vic and Carlos sat atop Phil and Willy. 

“Let’s go,” Danny said, scrunching his nose. “These dead ones are already starting to smell.” 

Just another day in the grind, Jason thought as Gabe hit the gas. 

The truck lurched forward, then suddenly died. 

“What happened?” Jason asked from his perch. 

“I don’t know,” Gabe said as he tried to turn the key to start the pick-up, “but she won’t even turn over.” 

Jason sighed. “I guess we’re pushing.” 

A chorus of collective groans filled the air. 

“Oh shut-up!” Jason yelled back, then looked down at Phil and Willy. “Looks like you two are helping.” 

In short order Jason and his men, minus Gabe, had tied Phil and Willy to the rear of the truck, and each man began to push the beat-up pick-up truck back to base. 

“How far?” Vic asked. 

“Three miles,” Jason replied. 

“Shit, Gabe, why are you so fat?” Danny yelled. 

“Shut up!” Gabe shot back. 

“Does this mean we’ll get to go free after we help?” Phil asked. 

“Absolutely not,” Jason spat. “Now push or I’ll shoot you.” 

Over an hour later Jason’s truck finally rolled into Forward Operating Base Chicken Hawk. A litany of cheers and jeers followed Jason and his men as they rolled the maroon pick-up through the main road of the FOB and into parking lot of the FOB’s maintenance shop. Phil and Willy looked as though they wish they were shot – they had no luck there. 

“Carlos, Vic, take these two to Task Unit headquarters,” Jason said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder in the general direction of the HQ. “Once these two terrs are handed over everyone go get cleaned up, eat, and try to catch some shut eye.” 

As Jason’s men dispersed a burly man in grease-soaked overalls and a white wife beater shirt sauntered out of the open doors of the maintenance bay toward Jason. 

“What did you do this time?” the man asked. 

“Hi, Vince,” Jason said in greeting. “Not sure. She just died on us.” 

“Mmhmm,” Vince replied. “I swear you just break it to give me heartburn. This is the third time this week.” 

“Breaking things and giving them to you to repair is my love language,” Jason said with a wink. 

“Uh huh,” Vince said, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, give us a day and I’ll let you know.” 

“Thanks Vince,” Jason replied. “Now I think I’m needed at HQ.” 

Vince began to walk back to his shop, then thought of something and turned back to Jason. “And when are you going to get that giant piece of crap out of my shop?” 

“The pod?” Jason asked. 

“No, the other giant piece of crap you have covered with a tarp in the back of the maintenance bay. Yes, the pod.” 

“When I get more parts.” 

“You’ve been saying that for a year now. That pod is done. It was shot up in The War.” 

“I’m nursing it back to health.” 

Vince shook his head. “It’s still missing some major parts, Jason. I’m not sure where you’d find them in this day and age. Only the bigger cities have armored pod manufacturing, and we don’t see many in these parts.” 

“Except the Task Unit Commander’s,” Jason said. 

“Except his,” Vince agreed. “But he came from the city to lead Task Unit one-seven. We “irregulars” out in the country don’t get that kind of love.” 

“Well, I’ll be by later to work on the pod some more,” Jason said. 

Vince bade farewell to Jason, and Jason trudged his way through the FOB and toward the Task Unit headquarters – a squat, one level brick building which had been a store at one time in the not-so-distant past. 

One step into the headquarters door Jason was hit by a wall of cool, dry, refreshingly cold air. Jason took in a deep breath and allowed the chill air to fill his lungs as he closed the flimsy wooden door behind him. 

“Jason,” a deep voice said from the other side of the small room. 

Jason looked over to see Task Force Commander Josiah Gray. The tan-skinned bear of a man looked as if he was cut from marble, and when he stood, he towered over everyone else at the FOB. The brown haired, blue-eyed man from the city had been a tough task master, but was fair and rewarded his subordinates based on their merit. 

“Sir,” Jason replied as he approached Gray, but didn’t salute; new era, new army, new customs. 

“Task Unit intel has the two terrs your element rounded up,” Gray began. “We didn’t get much out of them.” 

“Neither did we,” Jason replied. 


Gray was the type of commander who made his subordinates think. His belief was even at their low level the Task Unit, and the eight Elements which comprised it, including Jason’s, had to be more strategic to beat the terrs and keep their homes safe. 

“I had thought maybe the terrs were getting desperate hiring simple bandits,” Jason said. “Carlos brought up the fact they may be recruiting untrained thieves and thugs to sew chaos and distract us while they prepare to attack somewhere else.” 

“And you agree with Carlos?” 

“Carlos has dealt with the terrs as much as any of us. I don’t see why his seat-of-the-pants analysis wouldn’t hold merit.” 

Gray nodded. “I’m apt to agree with both you and Carlos. According to intel reports from Squadron and Group, the terrs are losing personnel faster than they can recruit. A lot of their efforts are focused on shoring up their shortfalls with whomever they can bribe or coerce into service. On the other hand, they want to strike a blow against us to either push us back, or at least give them some breathing room.” 

“Then we should go find them.” The moment Jason let the words spill out of his mouth he knew Gray would say something. 

“That’s thinking too tactically, too low level,” Gray replied. “More than likely it will just be our Task Unit going to dig these guys out. We have to think operationally, even strategically, in our planning. Not only do we have to be two steps ahead of the enemy, we need to think of the second and third order effects of our actions on a local and regional level.” 

Jason sighed. “Yes sir.” 

“Are you “yes-sir-ing” me?” Gray asked with a chuckle. 

“Just a little too much thinking after today,” Jason said. 

“Well go get some rest. Planning begins tomorrow. I want you here tomorrow morning at zero-eight able to do your best thinking.” 

Jason loathed to think about the planning session with Gray and the other Element Commanders the next day. But, Jason reminded himself, if he wanted to continue to fight on top of his truck, and not in the line of troops on the ground, he had to attend to the duties Task Unit Commander Gray assigned him. 

Fortunately, that was a problem to worry about the next morning. Jason rushed to his room – a twenty-foot shipping container which had been modified into living quarters with plumbing, and had seen better days – dropped his gear, and made his way back to Vince’s maintenance shop. With the later hour most of Vince’s mechanics and technicians had left for the day, either returning to their billets, or their homes in the surrounding towns. Jason brushed past a plethora of civilian vehicles retooled for war in varying states of repair and disassembly – he noticed his own pick-up had its hood up and parts removed – and made his way to a small corner of the shop. 

There, in a dark alcove at the back of Vince’s maintenance shop, was a tan tarp covering what looked like a giant tennis ball, taller than a normal human being. Jason grabbed the tarp tight and yanked it off the ball to expose the armored metal shell of the pod. 

“Another night working on the armored pod,” Jason said to himself. “One day I’m going to pilot this thing.” 

Jason wasn’t sure what piloting a pod – or AP as the regular military types called them – entailed, exactly. Gray had explained it a little to him, and it seemed like an intuitive system. Jason was sure once he completed repairs on this pod, he could learn quick. 

Without another word Jason opened the overlapping armored hatches on the pod’s front to expose the pilot’s seat and controls within, and went to work. 

Shards of the Galaxy

Tharkad City, Tharkad

Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance

31 December 3063

Ulrich Friedlander trudged through the dark, frozen night – alone. Most of his nights were spent this way after work. He had no friends in the office of the Mayor of Tharkad City. Once upon a time Ulrich had been an officer in the Lyran military – a MechWarrior, even – and an aide to the ambassador to the Free Worlds League on Atreus. For years he served honorably, both on the field of battle on the Falcon, Combine, and League borders and at the embassy, fighting, commanding, and executing his duties with the drive of a man possessed.

And then he had met her. She was a teacher visiting from the planet Marik on holiday with her girlfriends. Ulrich had instantly fallen in love. Her cascading chestnut hair was filled with the scent of rose petals, and her deep, vixen forest green eyes, seemingly speckled with flecks of jade, had bore into the depths of his being. Her skin was the texture of silk, and her soft touch sent his heart pounding at a thousand kilometers an hour.

It was his love for her that had destroyed him. It didn’t matter that the Ambassador himself was having a trist with a Free Worlds League woman behind his wife’s back, or that the other aides slept with the locals. Ulrich freely lost his mind to this woman. The ambassador had warned him not to go through with it – threatened him, even. Ulrich did not care. He loved her, and married her after a whirlwind courtship.

A week later they were on a DropShip headed for Tharkad. Ulrich had been recalled. He was stripped of rank, title, and position, and left to rot at the bottom of the food chain in some dead-end desk job working for the Burgomeister of Tharkad City. His parents refused to speak with him. He had dishonored his family, his country, and the Archon. Even in the middle of a galaxy-wrenching civil war the LCAF did not want this threat to unit morale and discipline. He was a traitor, and no one wanted a traitor.

Tonight was like any other dreary, dull night. Yes, it was New Year’s Eve, and the galaxy was celebrating in full. Tharkad City’s streets were bursting to overflowing with merry makers and partiers. Though surrounded by multitudes, Ulrich was very alone.

That is, until he opened the door to his flat and was met by the beautiful face he had fallen in love with. Zlata glided – or perhaps this angel floated – to her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly and lovingly placing a deep, soft kiss on his lips. For what seemed like an eternity – but it lasted too short a time – he held the woman he had given up his life for. She made everything worth his losses.

They broke their kiss, and Zlata pulled away, but Ulrich gave her a mischevious grin and pulled her back in for a quick kiss.

“You devil,” she giggled, planting another soft kiss on her husband’s mouth. “Come, I’ve made us a special dinner for this New Year’s Eve. And we have guests!”

Guests? Ulrich thought as he doffed his scarf and coat, running his hand through his close-cropped auburn hair. When was the last time we…

The thought died as his sapphire eyes fell upon the man that had penetrated the serenity of Ulrich’s home.

“Brother,” Ulrich said, poison dripping from his mouth.

“Urlich,” Heinrich Friedlander replied, nodding curtly to his elder sibling.

Though three years younger than Ulrich, Heinrich looked almost like Ulrich’s twin. They had the same shock of close-cropped, fiery red hair with a distinct widow’s peak. Shimmering sapphires stared out from bright occules, cold and analytical. Both men were pale, their fair skin unable to hold a tan (not that they lived in a region where one could tan very well). They had both been heavy MechWarriors – Ulrich a Zeus and Heinrich a Battlemaster – both graduating from the Negelring.

The difference came in height. Heinrich was three inches taller than his older brother, but Ulrich, though stocky like his sibling, was much more defined in muscle while Heinrich constantly fought off the flab that seemed to cling to him like some strange, deep running fungus.

Beside Heinrich sat his curvy wife Adelle. Her long, platinum blond hair and deep blue eyes betrayed her Arian roots. Rumor in her family was that they were distantly related to House Steiner – though there was no proof. She sat next to Heinrich, a small, diplomatic smile creasing her bright, red, full lips.

That’s right, Adelle, Ulrich thought as he stared at his brother and sister-in-law. You were the engine behind Heinrich abandoning me. Now you despise this olive branch move.

“And what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” Ulrich said, forcing his voice to remain level.

“We have…things to discuss brother,” Heinrich replied.

Ulrich stared at his brother for a moment. “Mother and Father wish to speak to me again?”

A pained smile cut Heinrich’s more round face.

Es tut mir leid, mein brueder, but no such luck.”

Ulrich sighed as he accepted a piping cup of hot coffee from Zlata – mixed with cream and plenty of sugar, yet still steaming hot to chase the chill.

“You can’t be here to enjoy the holiday,” Ulrich stated, blowing on the warm beverage. “Otherwise you would have been here for Weinachten.”

Another pained grin creased Heinrich’s face.

“Alright, alright, enough making me feel guilty.”

A triumphant smile covered Ulrich’s face as he took a small sip of his brew.

“Archon Katrina Steiner sits on the throne of her deposed brother,” Heinrich said, “and the First Prince is making a drive for her. The Federated Commonwealth is in turmoil.”

“Last I checked there was no Federated Commonwealth,” Ulrich cut in. “There is the Lyran Alliance and the Federated Suns.”

Jawohl, but you must agree that this is no place to start a family.”

Ulrich paused for a moment before taking another sip and gave his wife a sidelong glance. Could he protect her, provide for her, and keep her safe when war came to Tharkad? And it was a question of “when”, not “if”. It was only a matter of time. Ulrich released a long, heavy sigh before setting his mug down.

“So,” Ulrich started, slowly. “What do you propose to do?”


Ulrich stared hard at his younger sibling.



“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

“Und Vater und Mutti?”

Heinrich shook his head. “They refuse to leave. They say this is their home, and they will stay here until they die.”

Ulrich stared at his brother a moment longer before turning to his wife. “And you, Adelle, do you agree with this? Or did you instill this idea into my brother’s mind?”

Adelle gave her brother-in-law an icey cold glare.

“Heinrich made this decision. I was against it…but I support my husband and agree that, if we are to start a family it must be away from the chaos that is bound to engulf the entire Lyran Alliance.”

“But where would you go?” Zlata interjected, steaming plates of delicious smelling food in either hand. “You said that the entire Alliance would be effected.”

“We,” Heinrich said. “We’re planning to leave the Inner Sphere and make our way to the Periphery.”

Ulrich almost choked on his next sip of coffee.

“Now I know you’re mad,” he said, wiping his mouth. “Is this some joke? We’re not children anymore, Heinrich.”

“I know!” Heinrich shot back. “I’m being serious. There is a whole group of people – merchants, scientists, former soldiers – all looking to get away from the destruction that this war will bring. Adelle and I have births on a DropShip leaving in a month. This Kaptain, Reinhardt Blucher, he said he’s been to a planet ten jumps from the Lyran border, far from Jade Falcons, the Archon, and this damned war.”

Ulrich studied his brother for a long moment. In the past Heinrich had come up with some wild ideas – a raid on a Combine mining facility, a drive through dog grooming service, and becoming a film director, to name a few. Each time Heinrich had been wide eyed and bushy tailed when he described his plan. Of course, each time they had failed – his year of movie directing ending with Heinrich as the laughing stock of the movie industry on Tharkad. But something was different about Ulrich’s brother now. Gone was the idealistic fervor. In its place was a determined, mature man with full understanding of what he was doing and the consequences attached.

“You could die,” Ulrich said.

“I could die in a car accident here,” Heinrich said, countering.

“You could starve.”

“I’m bringing extra food.”

“There could be pirates.”

“I’m a fighter.”

Ulrich chuckled as Zlata placed the last of the food on the table and sat down next to her husband.

“Hard to fight bandits in ‘Mechs.”

Heinrich smiled. “We have ‘Mechs.”

Both Ulrich and Zlata stopped and gawked at Heinrich.

Sheisse,” fair mouthed Zlata curssed. Ulrich nodded in agreement, the shock of his brother’s statement overwhelming the shock of his wife swearing.

“We’re going to create a new home, Ulrich,” Heinrich said. “And we’ll fight to keep it safe if we have to.”

There was a long pause, the only sound the tick of the clock on the wall.

“So,” Heinrich said after a long moment. “What do you think?”

* * *

Merchant-class JumpShip Feral Strike

Unnamed Planet, Coreward Deep Periphery

1 January 3064

The new year did not bode well for Star Colonel Alaina Bowen and her command. The shattered remnants of what was left of the Clan Smoke Jaguar touman limped along through the black, barely existing. She lied when she called her ad-hoc command a Cluster. Three mixed trinaries – could they be called Super Novas? – and her command Binary were all that was left of the once proud Smoke Jaguars. But the unit she led was a foul joke to her eyes. Half of the warriors were solahma and dezgra warriors that had, either by luck or cowardice, escaped the ravages exacted upon the Clan by the hosts of the Inner Sphere and the other Clans. A third were warriors too young to be given that title, ages fifteen to seventeen. Though they had experienced the ravages of war, many fighting honorably, they were still very green. The last fifth of her “Cluster” were real warriors from second line galaxies.

Second line. It still stung her when she thought of it, though the surats that had expelled her from Alpha Galaxy were dead, their genetic legacies vaporized by the joke that was the new Star League. The Clan was gone. All that was left was her disjointed command and the civilians that trailed with it.

There were a handful of scientists, too, and the head scientist, a man simply named Red, was starting to get on her nerves. Alaina cared little for the fungus he wanted to study in systems in which they recharged and resupplied in.  What was worse was that the man did not know when to shut up. She would say no, and he would continue to speak as if she had said nothing. The only thing restraining her from killing Red was that he was the only thing keeping the scientists in check. It was an unsteady truce, but one that, more and more, seemed more advantageous to break, even if all it did was remove one more headache from her life.

Today was like any other day since the remnant Jaguars had fled known space and struck out on their own. For long months they would crawl through the black, alone, without contact with anyone but eachother. Then, suddenly, things would ramp up. The small fleet would stumble upon a ComStar or Clan vessel, or Pirates would find the hiding Jaguars and attack them. Each time the fleet would drain its lithium fusion batteries in order to escape.

And that is what kept them going. Fear. The fear of being destroyed. The fear of being captured. It was what continued to drive Alaina. Yes, perhaps she had pulled the short straw – the very short straw – on the warriors she now led. But she was alive. And as long as she was alive she and the Clan could survive. That, above all else, was foremost in her mind.

Of course, her mentality had to change. She, like any Jaguar warrior, was indoctrinated – she now believed brain washed – into believing that the warrior was at the top of the Clan, and that everyone else was inferior and useless. The last two years – no, now three years; stravag new year – she had learned that, without the civilians and support personnel, the last remaining Smoke Jaguars would have surely died in the depths of space. Above all, it was in these civilians that the future of the Clan rested. Without Iron Wombs, warriors and support personnel had to be created the old fashioned way – breeding. Alaina not only fought to keep the warriors of Smoke Jaguar alive, she fought, above all else, to keep the people alive.

Such was the topic of that day’s discussion. It had taken all three years to learn the patience she now commanded when dealing with the civilian personnel and her subordinate commanders and maintaining the balance.

“My technicians cannot work at gunpoint,” the chief technician for the Feral Strike, a man named Levin, said, his leathered face chisseled into a mask of slowly simmering rage. “The air conditioning units can be repaired, but we need time.”

On the other side of the conference table sat Star Captain Raven. A solahma warrior, his attitude had degraded along with his career. The bitterness he had developed over the years mixed with the power of a command – a Trinary command, for that matter – had twisted the trueborn’s mind. It seemed as if Alaina was deeling with him daily.

“It smells like an animal pen in the DropShips,” Raven hissed. “Too many freebirths.”

Levin rolled his eyes. “Oh, yes, it is the civilians that are making the ships smell. What about you warriors? You train and work out and couple, and then throw on the same old clothing. Perhaps it is you who should be punished.”

Such talk would never have been allowed when the Clan still existed. But these were different times.

Alaina was about to interject when Raven shot to his feet, a feral look on his scarred face.

Freebirth scum,” he roared. “You dare speak to a warrior like that?”

“A solahma warrior, Raven,” Levin spat back, refusing to use the Star Captain’s rank.


Both men were cowed into silence by Alaina’s bellow.

“Have you both gone mad?” Alaina shrieked. “We are Smoke Jaguar, and here we are fighting about…about air conditioning units, quiaff?”

Both men made to say something, but quickly thought better of it.

“Technician Levin, when can you have the air conditioning units fixed? It is starting to smell a bit from the civilian quarters.”

“Another week,” the man admitted. “Given we are not…”

Alaina cut him off. “Good. Star Captain Raven, when is your next scheduled training run with your trinary?”

Raven scowled. “Tomorrow, Star Colonel.”

“Excellent. Plan for another week solid of training. Your trinary will have the honor of facing Alpha and Gamma Trinaries in a series of exerices.”

Raven made to protest, but again caught himself. “Yes…Star Colonel.”

“Dismissed,” she growled.

Neither man protested.

When the door slid closed Alaina shrunk into her chair and emitted a great sigh.

The door chimed. Perturbed, Alaina roared at the intruder to what little peace she had.

The door opened anyway, and Star Captain Ivan Showers strode into the room. The Alpha Trinary commander had an easy smile on his tanned, attractive face. He had been the lightning rod for Alaina’s frustrations on more than one occassion, and she desparately welcomed his presence now.

“You look exhausted, Star Colonel,” he said, sliding into the chair next to her.

Aff, Ivan,” she replied. “Warriors are not made for such work.”

A light laugh escaped Ivan’s lips.

“Did not Khan Leo Showers or Lincoln Osis manage to lead the Clan, quineg?”

Aff, but they had the support of a complete and powerful Clan Smoke Jaguar. I have…well, you have seen what I have to work with.”

Ivan laughed again, then silence fell between the two warriors.

“We need to find a home,” Alaina said simply.

“We have passed plenty of bountiful planets,” Ivan replied.

“All in the sights of the other Clans or ComStar,” she shot back. “I will not put my Clan – my people – in that kind of danger. We must find a planet far from their regular hunting grounds.” She sighed again, rubbing her eyes. “If we do not, both civilians and warriors are liable to tear one another apart.”

Ivan stood and walked over to his Star Colonel. Grasping her chin, he lifted her head and gave her a deep kiss.

“Well,” he said, his hands roaming further. “Let us take a break from all this hard work. Then we can make a plan.”

Alaina suddenly found herself in no position to argue.

* * *

Fort Cassandra, Northern Mountains

Thraxa, Magistracy of Canopus

1 January 3064

Jules Varner stared incredulously at his captors. Hands bound behind his back, he wore only the cold weather clothing his superiors had allowed him, the hunting knife dangling useless at his side. He had fought off a snow bear with that knife. He had proven himself, again, as a man and true soldier in the Cavalier Infantry Guard, the “Mountain Men”. Yet here he was, stripped of his rank and his freedom. On his left stood his platoon commander, Ensign Brittany Snellings, on his right his platoon’s senior NCO, Star Corporal Christian Erikson.

And in front of him was the man himself. 

Major Abdul Majid’s dark features remained neutral as the guards – two Volunteers in Varner’s platoon – removed his goggles and headgear so that Majid could make sure he had the younger man’s full attention.

“Lance Corporal Jules Varner,” Majid said, breaking the silence, using his rank and name as if the words were a string of curses. “Do you know why you are here?”

Jules did not answer immediately, and he received a hard smack from Star Corporal Erikson for his slow response.

“Y-yes, sir,” Jules replied, his heart caught in his throat. “Disobeying a direct order from a superior officer…sir.”

“Two superior officers,” Majid said, opening the manilla folder on his desk. “Both your platoon commander and company commander.” Majid paused, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers in front of his thin mouth. “Was it worth it?”

Suddenly Jules’ mind shot to a yeaer before. Her name was Ishtar, a girl from Canopus IV. She had moved to Thraxa to “become closer to nature and find her inner goddess”. He had met her at a party thrown by another junior NCO in the battalion, and the two had hit it off immediately (even if she was a tree-hugging flower child and he a baby killer). Nine months later and he was set on marrying her.

But his chain of command had said no.

“Wait,” was the order Ensign Snellings gave him. “Wait another three months. We’re going on exercises in the mountains, and I need my star NCO at his best. Can’t have you thinking about a new wife while out on maneuvers.”

His company commander, Commander Ivanna Harris, had agreed.

But love knows not the boundaries of the military. In a rush of rage and youthful stupidity they had rushed off to the Thraxan capitol and commenced a shotgun wedding.

And then the pirates came. Thraxa was a regular stop off for the scum of the galaxy, and this lot was the run-of-the-mill trash. Except, when cornered they did not flee. Instead, attempting to bargain for their lives, they had moved their ‘Mechs and marines into the town just south of Fort Cassandra and held the town hostage. It was where Jules and Ishtar rented a small house.

Colonel Dillon Wentworth, the Magistracy Cavaliers CO, did not bargain with pirates. The ensuing firefight burned down half of the town. Ishtar was killed when a pirate Spider collapsed on their house. Jules, emotionally destroyed, shot the ten pirate marines they had taken prisoner.

As punishment, Majid had ordered Jules dropped into the mountains like a green recruit. If he lived, he would be free. If not, then he would have his punishment in full. No one had expected the distraught Lance Corporal to survive.

But he did.

And now, their plan to remove this thorn in their side thwarted, the chain-of-command of the Mountain Men moved to rob him of their promise.

Oh Ishtar, Jules thought to himself as Major Majid studied him. If only you were here. If only…

“So,” Majid was saying, his harsh accent cutting into Jules’ thoughts. “What are we going to do with you?”

“You said I could go free,” Jules croaked, his throat hoarse from over a month suriving in the arctic mountains of Thraxa.

“Indeed,” Majid replied. “But you will not be returned to your unit…or the Canopian military.” He pushed the manilla folder forward and Jules saw what decorated the interior. Release papers. “You will be honorably discharged,” Majid said. “We have already arranged passage off planet with a merchant headed for the Marian Hegemony.”

Majid’s words hit Jules like a sledge-hammer.

“S-say again?” he stammered.

“The Magistracy no longer wants you, Lance Corporal Jules Varner,” Majid said. “And I am happy to oblige in assisting with your removal.”

Twelve hours later Jules Varner – civilian, dispossessed – stood at the DropShip tarmac just outside of Thraxa’s capital. He wore thick clothes, a heavy woolen cap on his head and a hood over that. Even after living his entire life on the frozen planet he never did get used to the intense cold.

With a heavy sigh he looked back down at his papers, and looked back up in a vain attempt to locate the Overlord-class DropShip Hydra. The forest of metal eggs stared down at Jules, their gun ports and view ports glaring at him with that same look Majid had given him.

The Magistracy no longer wants you.

His whole life he had thought of nothing else except to serve the people of Thraxa in the Magistracy Cavaliers. Now that dream was gone. His world had been turned upside down. Even his parents refused to speak with him. For all intents and purposes Jules Varner was dead to the Magistracy of Canopus.

“Jules Varner?” a gruff, almost musical voice called out.

Jules turned and was met by the lean, muscular form of a man, his shock of blond hair topping his tanned face, his ice blue eyes sizing Jules up like a boxer sizes up his opponent. Jules gave the man a deep scowl, and the man coughed a hearty laugh.

“I’m Captain Kidd Maverick,” the swarthy man said. He rubbed his greasey hand on his slate-gray jumpsuit before shoving it forward in a peace offering.

Jules clasped Maverick’s hand – and immediately regretted it as his hand was crushed in Maverick’s strong fingers.

“S-so you’re the merchant that’s going to take me to the Marian Hegemony,” Jules said, his voice flat.

“Yes indeedy,” Maverick said, releasing Jules’ hand to play with a toothpick that had been travelling between Maverick’s off-white teeth. “The Cavaliers have paid your way in full. You have a birth, and we have food – if you can call the moss and lubricant we brew food.”

Jules smiled – the first smile he had allowed himself in several months.

“So what’s your cargo?” Jules asked.

“Travellers mostly,” Maverick replied, motioning for Jules to follow. “And some electronics. The Hegemony and the Magistracy may not get along all the time, but they do still trade in computers and the like, and I move the cargo.”

Jules nodded as he listened.

“So, got any family in the Hegemony?” Maverick asked.

“No,” Jules admitted. “I…it’s a long story.”

Maverick gave the younger man a side-long glance.

“Do you have anything set up there?”


“No job, nowhere to live?”

“No. I’ve never left Thraxa in my entire life.”

Maverick whistled.

“Well,” he began. “I’m short a few hands. If’n ya want, you could work for me. I’ll put you on the payroll, give you a proper job and a place to live – if you can call a DropShip a place to live.”

Jules smiled and stopped at the base of the Hydra.

“Sounds like a deal, Maverick,” Jules said, sticking out his hand for the second time that day.

“That’s Captain Maverick to you, Sailor Varner.”

* * *

Zenith JumpPoint, Waypoint

Rim Collection

2 January 3064

Demi-Precentor Epsilon-X Roger L. Keen stared out into the black from the bridge of the Invader-Class JumpShip Waking Truth – and what a just name for a place where he realized the truth in the galaxy. Keen had been a proud man in the ComGuards, earning his way through the ranks by dint of pure ability. He refused to play the petty politics his peers would duel with. Keen was a man of action, leading by example and living his beliefs. The Blessed Blake help him if he did otherwise. His wife had jokingly chided him one day (in bed) for being too vindicated (he vindicated her moments later and didn’t hear another complaint about it).

But that was what led to his downfall. Just before Operation Bulldog, and the fall of Clan Smoke Jaguar, Keen had taken his wife and twin sons and left the Inner Sphere to be posted to the Explorer Corps in the deep Periphery. It wasn’t an easy life, but he and his small family endured. It was the aftermath that hit him. During his tenure with the Explorer Corps he fought numerous battles against both pirates and retreating Smoke Jaguar warriors, all successful, and all earning him more and more notoriety and honors. That is, until the Smoke Jaguars were destroyed.

With ComStar repositioning itself against their wayward brethren in the Word of Blake the Explorer Corps was all but forgotten. Funds were siphoned away from Deep Periphery operations, and more and more Keen found himself in hostile territory without the proper support. It all ended when, in a small, anti-Blakist operation within the Hanseatic League (and after months of petitioning for a valid mission), Keen found himself surrounded and outgunned by Hansa forces, his Tessen unable to stand against the soldiery of RDF 5, funds gone, ComStar support nowhere in sight.

With his “failure” Keen and his command were supposed to be rotated back into the Inner Sphere to be folded in with ComGuard’s First Army V-Kappa. But Roger Keen was an embittered man; his whole life he had served the Guards honorably, and without question. Now they turned his back on him and his men – and their families! How many Explorer Corps families, were suddenly uprooted, no explanation, no identification of their new destination – and no word on fallen loved ones. It was a mess, and Demi-Precentor Keen was furious.

What he hadn’t known was that his command felt his rage. In a meeting the night before they jumped away from their staging base, Keen’s staff and subordinate commanders expressed their anger and worries, hoping for an open ear to listen. And Roger Keen listened. He not only listened, he agreed. So, when the Waking Truth made its scheduled jump, it never arrived at the border Combine world that ComStar had been tracking. Instead, the ship’s captain, Demi-Precentor Theta-VII Talia Ivaarson, hopped the vessel anti-spinward, and the rest, as they say, was history.

At least, that part of Keen’s story was history. Now, on Waypoint, he wondered if history ended here. They had been jumping for the last year or so, and the gathered warriors and families were sick and tired of being cooped up in the cramped, metal confines of DropShips and the JumpShip proper. Roger, too, was beginning to chafe at the restrictiveness of space travel. But it was necessary to secure his peoples’ lives.

“Precentor Mar-“ Demi-Precentor Talia Ivaarson bega.

“That’s Demi-Precentor, Talia,” Roger corrected.

The veteran ship captain huffed as she directed Roger’s attention to the star chart. All the crew had started calling him Precentor Martial. Maybe he was a Precentor, with his Level III, the Level III of Aerospace, and the DropShips and the Waking Truth. But not Precentor Martial. And Precentor Martial of what? They weren’t ComStar or the Word of Blake, and Roger had no desire to pretend to be either, in exile or otherwise. For now he was just their leader.

“Here are our next possible jump locations,” Talia said, pointing to the screen built into her command chair.

Hovering around her were the leadership and staff of the ad-hoc, short Level IV that plied the stars with Roger, all still wearing their ComGuard uniforms, rank, badges and all.

“We need a final destination,” Adept Iota-IV Demetri Premsyl, the infantry commander, growled.

“We need to get there first,” Adept Pi-III Elizabeth Harken, an Aerofighter jock, shot back.

“No shit,” Premsyl sneered. “I thought we would just keep loping around deep Periphery for a while. I love the feeling of zero gravity and metal under my feet.” He seethed for a moment. “Waypoint seems just fine to me.”

“Both of you,” Roger snapped. “Stop it. This is unproductive. Focus on the mission and keep your damn mouths shut!”

Both Adepts were immediately silent. They’re breaking, Roger thought to himself as he studied the map. We can’t take much more of this.

“What are these planets?” Demi-Precentor Pi-V Viktor Papov asked, his slim finger jabbing at a trio of spheres.

“Not properly designated,” Talia replied. “Some Explorer Corps unit studied the planets, but nothing was ever documented. No plant or animal specimens, though imagery was taken of the geography.”

Roger nodded. “Show me this one, in green. Echo-charlie-nine-one-six-eight-five-five-one-zero-alpha.”

With a brush of her fingers Talia zoomed in on the planet and called up the information.

The group – even the less than intelligent grunts – all gasped with recognition.

“Water,” Roger said. “And these formations look like mountains, leading into plains.”

“Aerials show green plant life,” Talia agreed. “And breathable oxygen.”

Premsyl smiled. “I think we can all agree on our final destination now, yes?”

Roger smiled and nodded. “Yes indeed, Adept.”

“That’s strange, though,” Papov said, brows furrowed, his hand scratching his goatee. “If this planet was so prosperous, then why not report it?”

“That’s a good question, Viktor,” Roger said. “I think we can discover that ourselves once we make landfall.” He turned to Talia. “How long until we are there?”

“With recharge times? A month.”

“And with the lithium-fusion batteries?”

Talia winced. She had been saving those for a “what if” scenario. What if ComStar wanted their ships and machines back? What if they encountered an overwhelming pirate/Clan force? What if Katrina Steiner wanted a new Battalion’s worth of materials for a minimal cost?


“Two weeks,” she admitted. “But…”

Roger cut off her protest.

“Two weeks it is then,” he commanded.

The gathered staff cheered their agreement.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Roger announced. “Prepare your commands and your families. In two weeks we reach our new home.”

Another round of cheers and the group of officers left the bridge. Roger could feel Talia’s eyes on his back.

“What’s wrong, Talia?”

“Roger,” she began. “What if we run into trouble?”

“We won’t,” he said, turning to face her.


Roger snapped a little. “Talia, did you hear what those two were fighting about? I wish I could say that was all the fighting I’ve had to put up with on this damned ship. We’ve had fist fights, knife fights…one civilian committed suicide three days ago. The crew are still cleaning her brains from the walls.” His anger spent for the moment, Roger sighed, his tired form hanging in space. “We’re on the edge here, Talia. We need to find a new home. I had to give them something. Thank the Blessed Blake that this planet grabbed our attention when it did.”

Talia looked as if she was about to protest, then thought better of it.

“Yes sir.”

“Don’t worry, Talia,” Roger said, sliding from the bridge. “Everything will be alright when we get there.”

* * *

Tharkad City, Tharkad

Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance

7 January 3064

Ulrich trudged – he seemed to be trudging a lot lately, damned snow, damned Civil War – down the street, the heavy, wet snow sliding up his leg, almost to the knee. The local snow removal service had focused on the main avenues and the area around the Archon’s palace, so Ulrich was forced to fight his way through the endless drifts on his way to his destination.

New Year’s had been a wonderful occasion (even if Heinrich and Adelle had stayed for dinner). With the apartment to themselves, and both Ulrich and Zlata with a week off, they enjoyed the time alone (and in bed; Ulrich didn’t remember once wearing clothes those seven amazing days). For a while he forgot his troubles. His world revolved around his lovely Zlata, and hers around him. It almost seemed as if his worries would just melt away the longer he held her in his arms. She had teased that if he held her too much they would get stuck that way. He had to admit, it was a great place to get stuck (especially naked).

Ulrich returned to work two days before, and the daily drag and the incessant nagging coworkers stuck. Even the holidays, a time of joy, could not melt away their loathing for him; their loathing for the traitor. He had tried to walk in with a smile (early morning sex will do that to you), but the grin quickly vanished from his face when his boss, Rolf Bittner, dropped a mountain of papers in his arms and gruffly greeted him with a timeline it all had to be completed by.

Yes, Ulrich thought to himself as he slogged down the alley in the industrial district. It’s time to get out of this hell hole.

Normally Ulrich didn’t frequent the industrial sector of Tharkad City. No reason to put himself in a position to get mugged or killed. But Heinrich had insisted in an e-mail he sent that afternoon that part of their plan had come to fruition, and that Ulrich should hurry to his location immediately. Excusing himself from work early (not that his boss paid any attention to his whereabouts anyway), Ulrich made the long trek across the city to meet his younger brother.

Upon Ulrich’s arrival, Heinrich was all smiles, his face beat red from the intense cold (but as red heads their complexions were always red, heat or cold). Heinrich gave his older brother a strong slap on the back as he directed him inside the warehouse.

“Come see!” Heinrich exclaimed. “You will never believe what I managed to get us.”

“Please,” Ulrich petitioned his sibling. “Tell me this isn’t some other hair-brained marketing idea to make a few kroner.”

Heinrich gave Ulrich a mischievous smile.

“Oh no,” Heinrich said, shaking his head. “I have all the money I need to get off his rock. This is something more…tangible.”

Inside the warehouse was dark and foreboding. In front of Ulrich sat two giant flat beds used for hauling extra-heavy equipment – or BattleMechs. Ulrich immediately identified the two hulks covered by slate gray tarps, medal shod feet sticking out from underneath the coverings. Eyes wide, Ulrich halted in mid-step.

“Are you…are you insane?” Ulrich stammered. “Heinrich! Where did you get these?”

His brother smiled easily and motioned for Ulrich to follow him.

“Several months back a shipment of ‘Mechs that were meant for the Eleventh Donegal Guards was hijacked by smugglers. The LAAF reported that it was a minor shipment of repair parts. Class nine stuff that no one would miss. The crew was even returned safely, no harm done.”

Heinrich hopped up on one of the cargo haulers and began loosening tie-downs. Ulrich moved to follow.

“But it was obvious that something more had been lost than just parts when the Eleventh’s operations officer suddenly found himself without his Hauptmann.” The tarp flew off and the signature “cigar” laser – this one a hefty medium pulse laser.

Heilegen sheisse!” Ulrich exclaimed. “Heinrich!“

”What?“ the younger Friedlander asked. ”I got myself one too.”

“Are you serious?” Ulrich roared.

“Well yeah!” Heinrich shot back. “There was a Barghest in that shipment. I wasn’t going to say no!”

Jesus Christus!” Ulrich yelled, slamming his hands on the Hauptmann’s armored shoulder. “You’re going to get us arrested before we can even make it off planet!”

“No I’m not!” Heinrich protested. “Kaptain Blucher’s men are going to pick these up in two hours.”

Ulrich began to argue, then something crossed his mind.

“Where did you get the money to buy BattleMechs?” he asked. “Pristine, brand new BattleMechs, for that matter?”

“Oh, well you know those smugglers who stole these?”


“They’re dead now.”

Ulrich gave his younger brother a dark look.

“What?” Heinrich asked. “They had them, we need them, and I saw an opportunity. I could never scrounge enough money to buy a ‘Mech. Besides, we have to take extreme measures to make our dreams come true.”

“You said there were other ‘Mechs?”

“Yeah. Blucher’s men and I hid them until we were ready to go. No need for Lyran security forces to check out the hold of our new DropShip only to find their lost equipment.”

Ulrich sighed and leaned heavily against the Hauptmann’s dog-eared head.

“This is getting out of control, Heinrich,” Ulrich began.

“It won’t have to for much longer,” his younger brother answered. “We’re going to leave soon.”


“I’ll let you know when the day gets closer. Until then, wait.”

Ulrich hopped off the flat-bed and stormed away, his mind full of rage – and questions.

“And Ulrich?”

Ulrich swung to face his younger brother.

“We didn’t have this conversation.”

“Yeah we didn’t,” Ulrich spat.

* * *

Merchant-class JumpShip Feral Strike

Unnamed Planet, Anti-Spinward/Coreward Deep Periphery

8 January 3064

Reality retracted – for the second time that day – and the spears of lights, sound, and feeling that Star Colonel Alaina Bowen was consumed by suddenly subsided, leaving her with a slight woozy feeling. But she was a Smoke Jaguar warrior. She refused to succumb to jump sickness, especially with what was left of her Clan looking to her for their strength. Immediately bridge crew began scrambling over their displays, checking sensors, the status of the ship, and receiving reports from the birthed DropShips. It had become routine now, and each crewmember slid through the motions expected of a Clan warrior. Alaina’s chest filled with pride at the rapid, sharp work her men and women accomplished in mere moments.

“All DropShips and personnel accounted for,” Star Commodore Naomi Chrisholm announced. “We have entered the system safely, Star Colonel.”

Alaina nodded. “Thank you, Star Commodore Chrisholm,” she said, respecting the veteran naval warrior with her rank and Bloodname.

“Lithium batteries are drained,” Naomi continued. “Let us hope that we do not meet any threats. We would be in a poor position to escape.”

“Star Captain Havoc would disagree with you,” Alaina replied. “He itches for a fight.”

Chrisholm snorted. “That solahma warrior speaks of little else. He came to the bridge the other day and ranted my ear off about the good old days.”

Alaina chuckled and slapped her friend on the shoulder.

“And you do not think of them?”

“I’ve accepted my fate,” Naomi growled. “There is no changing the past, we can only affect the future. That is what I have my eyes set on.”

“And what do you think the future holds, ship mistress?”

“A new planet, a rebuilding of the Clan,” Naomi mused. “And then: revenge.”

“Are you sure there will be revenge, quineg?”

Aff,” Naomi nodded fervently. “If Kerensky’s children could wait for over two centuries, then so can we.”

“I am glad you are so optimistic.”

Suddenly, warning bells began ringing and red lights strobed over the bridge.

“Report!” Noami barked.

“Incoming jump, Star Commodore!” one of the crew called out. “Bearing three-three-one by two-four-two by six-seven-five! Distance two-three-hundred kilometers!”

Out in space, at the zenith JumpPoint of the star the Feral Strike sat moored over, there was nothing, then suddenly, ripping itself through time and space came the form of another ship. Smaller, shorter, this vessel harbored one DropShip. The urgency and concern of before wore off as each Jaguar warrior on the bridge saw it for what it was: prey.

“Perhaps,” Alaina said, a hungry smile on her face. “Star Captain Havoc will have his fight.”

Half an hour later the aerofighter trinary was deployed and jetting for the lone Scout-class JumpShip. Had the vessel been fitted with lithium-fusion batteries, the pint-sized JumpShip would have already flashed out of existence, leaving its attackers dozens of lightyears behind. As it was, the buggy little Scout just hung there in space, as if daring the Jaguar warriors to come and get it.

And a Smoke Jaguar always dares.

Star Captain Havoc and the twenty-nine other fighters of his trinary zipped through space, their thrust burn completed, they let their inertia carry them to the lone ship. Today truly was Havoc’s day. Sure, he was the advance force to harry and neutralize any threats to the ‘Mechs now burning through space hundreds of kilometers behind him. But there was still a formidable Overlord-class DropShip snuggled up against the belly of the Scout. The firepower of that giant metal orb would atomize the incoming ‘Mech force with little trouble.

Havoc relished the upcoming battle. It was just like the old days.

“Havoc Trinary,” Havoc called over the all-hands channel. “Strafing run on the DropShip, leave the JumpShip unmolested. Three passes and then set holding pattern until called. Acknowledge.”

The plan had been briefed on the DropShip, but he was Star Captain, and his people needed to hear his voice. A quick rehash of the plan gave them focus after a long flight, their minds elsewhere.

Leading the attack, Havoc lightly tapped his thrusters, veering his Hydapses toward the giant ovoid. The old, yet venerable fighter raked the ovoid with trio of extended range large lasers and two long range missile packs, launching thirty missiles into the DropShip’s hull. As he neared and his heat dropped, Havoc unleashed another hell storm with his six medium pulse lasers. The rest of Alpha Star, the command star, followed suit; three more powerful Hydapses and six armor-busting Xerxes fighters. Next flew the ten medium fighters of Beta Star, seven Tyre aerofighters with a three Issus. Once their run was complete, Gamma Star, comprised completely of Chaeronea, blazed in to add their extended range particle projectile cannons to the mix.

Havoc was proud of his trinary of mixed second-line and solahma warriors; and not a dezgra among them. On the flip side, none of them were Bloodnamed, either, but that seemed to mean less now that the Clan was gone. Now they had each other and fought for one another’s continued existence.

“This is Star Captain Havoc, making my second pass,” the grizzled fighter pilot reported to Star Commodore Naomi Chrisholm.

He led Alpha Star in a wide arc, the other two stars spacing further out in order not to leap ahead of their glory-seeking commander, and brought the ten fighters in for their next run.

Suddenly space lit up like a fireworks show as the DropShip, seemingly awakened from its slumber like some sleepy bear. Autocannon rounds, lasers, and swarms of missiles blasted through the black and past the gathered fighters.

“Spread out and increase velocity,” Havoc commanded. “Follow me in, we’ll hit her from her rear.”

Alpha Star shot away from the JumpShip and her angry, berthed DropShip, only to return lancing a barrage of fire into her aft. Rear guns opened up, and the DropShips weaponry attempted to track the Clan fighters as they shot past, but to no avail. Beta and Gamma Stars met similar success.

As Havoc came around for his last pass he spotted the doors of the Overlord slide open like yawning mouths, and what looked like bugs began to trudge into space.

“Star Captain Havoc to Star Colonel Bowen,” Havoc reported. “The DropShip is deploying its BattleMechs. My computer identifies them all as medium and light Inner Sphere models.”

“Received and understood, Star Captain,” Alaina replied. “Hold your last run and pick up holding pattern. We’ll take care of these surats.

“Aye, Star Colonel, happy hunting.”

Alaina sat strapped into her command couch, the three-hundred sixty wrap-around visor in her helmet giving her a perfect view of – nothing.

She had long since finished her main thrust towards the stranded JumpShip, and now minute adjustments were all that were needed. Around her was enough BattleMechs to create a short Trinary, those that were in the best conditions. Unfortunately, none of them were the much desired OmniMechs she had used as a warrior in Alpha Galaxy. Near the end it was all she could do simply not to lose more BattleMechs. Two dozen meters away floated a Guillotine IIc and two Wyvern IIc, and “behind” her were two Clint IIc. Models like the Rifleman IIc and Warhammer IIc filled the ranks of her ad-hoc task force. So many IIc models. It was apparent that the units currently under her command had not been the cream of the Smoke Jaguar crop, or so their betters thought (now dead, she noted, while she was not).

Alaina led the charge in the biggest of them all: a powerful, awe inspiring Highlander IIc. She had actually been proud to receive the machine from the then Star Colonel Brandon, another good warrior who had been on the wrong end of politics. He had taken the force’s lone OmniMech, a TimberWolf, to fight the Inner Sphere forces long enough for Alaina and her people to escape. He had died in the fires of a critical fusion reactor.

“This ‘Mech has served the Clans, and Alexander Kerensky before we were formed,” Brandon had said. “Take good care of her, Alaina.”

She was piloting a piece of history. Now that piece of history was going to war with Alaina at its helm.

Presently, the JumpShip drew near. Alaina’s targeting computer marked several of the ‘Mechs spread out over the hulls of the Scout and its berthed Overlord. Alaina tagged the biggest machine as hers before opening her all-hands channel.

“This is Star Colonel Alaina Bowen to Task Force Dragon,” she called over the net. “The Battlemaster is mine. Happy hunting.”

Using her thrusters, Alaina brought the Highlander up to face her opponent. A batchall had been issued, with no response. Now Alaina attempted to hail her enemy.

“Inner Sphere MechWarrior,” Alaina roared at the eighty-ton monstrosity in front of her. “I am Star Colonel Alaina Bowen of Clan Smoke Jaguar! I challenge you to single combat.”

The ‘Mech responded with its particle projectile cannon, but Alaina was still too far for the inferior weapon to hit. She replied in kind with a shot from her Clan-built gauss rifle (and a bit of thrust from her jets to offset the inertia). The Battlemaster visibly shivered under the powerful hit to its armored stomach, but in space there was no worry about falling. Alaina followed up with a flight of twenty long range missiles, hitting with twelve over the left side and arm of the dome-headed ‘Mech. Armor shards swam away from the impacts and explosions as Alaina neared the JumpShip.

The feet of her Highlander clung to the hull of the JumpShip and all hell broke loose. 

All around Alaina the warriors of her Clan and the Inner Sphere pilots threw themselves at one another, lasers, cannon, missiles, and man-made lightning lighting the hull of the JumpShip. The Guillotine IIc, landing a hundred meters from Alaina, bored into an Inner Sphere Jenner with its extended range particle projectile cannon and twin large pulse lasers, gutting the smaller machine and leaving it hanging lifeless on the JumpShip’s hull. Satisfied, the Guillotine IIc moved on to find new prey.

One Clint IIc dueled with its Inner Sphere copy, each spraying autocannon rounds at one another. It was obvious, though, that the Clanner had the upper hand. Several mixed sprayed and slug shots had ruined the armor of the Inner Sphere Clint, and the Clan warrior was making good his gains with his chest mounted, twin extended range medium lasers, the ruby beams slicing into already damaged, pockmarked areas of armor. The contest ended when, having already amputated the Spheroid ‘Mech’s arm, the Clan pilot shot off the machine’s leg. The Clint slowly floated into space.

The Battlemaster pilot, angry at the damage done to its machine, lashed out with all six of its medium lasers and the short range missile six-pack stacked on its shoulder. A good warrior would have hit with everything at this range. The Spheroid warrior was not good. Three lasers hit their mark, melting armor off of the right side of Alaina’s chest. The rest shot wide, while the missiles careened off into the black.

“You will pay for that,” Alaina vowed.

Linking all of her weapons into one shot group, she alpha striked against the wounded Battlemaster. The gauss slug gouged a massive hole in the ‘Mech’s chest, tearing through internals on its hyper-velocity trip. The trio of medium lasers added to the internal damage, cutting through the gyro, heat sinks, and reactor shielding. Twenty missiles –spot on this time – finished her work for her, destroying armor and internal structure with a vengeance. Even in space, without sound, the explosions tearing across the Battlemaster were amazing.

The Inner Sphere warrior did not stir; the ‘Mech had gone quiet. Around her, Alaina’s warriors regrouped and reported in. Three dead. Six BattleMechs severely damaged. A high cost to her small Clan. But Alaina looked and did not see failure. She saw only the gains she had made.

“Inner Sphere vessel, this is Star Colonel Alaina Bown of Clan Smoke Jaguar,” she announced. “We have defeated your forces. Stand down and prepared to be boarded or we will destroy you.”

* * *

Merchant-class JumpShip Amaranth

Martus’s Tears, Marian Hegemony

14 January 3064

The last two weeks with Captain Kidd Maverick and the crew of his JumpShip, the Amaranth, and the two DropShips, the Hydra and the egg-shaped Union-class Medusa, had been a mixed blessing for Jules Varner (now at the lowest rank of sailor, instead of the NCO he used to be, and holder of the title “FNG” within the crew). On the one hand he was constantly busy, learning on the job and working twelve hour shifts to keep the ships going. It was rewarding work, and at the end of each shift he slept soundly, not a worry in the galaxy. On the other hand, though, he was constantly busy, and had little time for himself or his thoughts. The crew chief, Harlem Vinyard, a strange mixture of robustness from overfeeding and not enough exercise, and extreme leanness from a life spent in zero gravity, was always on Jules’ case to learn and not do anything stupid.

 On one occasion a fellow crew member was teaching Jules the simple task of cleaning an air-recycling duct filter. The man had said there was no way to mess it up. An hour later Jules and the crewman were shoulders deep into the duct, attempting to correct Jules’ mistake. How was he supposed to know that it didn’t go in like that? For a moment – a brief, fleeting, strange moment – he wished for the simplicity of infantry life. Then he got a sandwich and a full night’s sleep and thought otherwise. But learning to be a spacer when he had lived his entire life dirt-side was tough, and he had a feeling it wasn’t going to get any easier.

On the bright side he had made a few friends among the JumpShip and DropShip crews, and Captain Kidd Maverick (he had to force himself to remember to call the man Captain) checked on him regularly. In his capacity as commander of the JumpShip and its flotilla of DropShips, Kidd was an expert and professional, executing his duties with a precision and timeliness that Jules did not think possible – and the man was only thirty-two! Off duty, though, he was an easy talking, relaxed guy, and all the crew, from the lowest rates to DropShip commanders, talked to him like he was their friend (provided they addressed him as Captain, too). Jules decided early on that, in a bind, he would fight for Maverick, perhaps even die for the man. It wasn’t just that he had taken Jules in like his own –although that was part of it – it was that, deep down, Jules knew Kidd Maverick would do the same for him.

One of the first things Jules had learned about Kidd and his merchant operation was that his ships weren’t the only ones. Maverick was actually the junior Captain in a fleet of six JumpShips belonging to the Snellings-Finnegan Merchant Fleet, each with their own litter of DropShips and all vessels with full crews. Whenever they were planet-side, as they had been on the Hegemony world of Islington, the combined crews of all the JumpShips and DropShips that had earned shore leave (Maverick had granted Jules two days since he was so new to living in space) had increased the population of the small city they stopped in by twenty-five percent. It was an amazing site, all of those spacers running around town like a bunch of mad men.

Jules had met the owner of the fleet, Mr. Gerard Ryan Snellings-Finnegan, only once, when the man had taken a shuttle from his flagship, the Monolith-class Daring Vision, to visit the Amaranth on a routine inspection. Maverick had introduced Jules as their newest member, and Snellings-Finnegan had smiled and shaken his hand. And that was that. Jules doubted he would ever speak to the man again (a theory supported by other crewmembers).

So now this was life, whether Jules liked it or not. He had signed, thumb-imprinted, and iris-scanned a contract for a grand total of three years, with an option to extend for three more with a four percent pay raise and a five thousand C-bill bonus. He kept mulling that last part over, but he had three good years to think about it.

All was going relatively well (except for a nasty deep cut he had received attempting to close a service grating). It was just another day on the Amaranth, and Jules had just finished his shift. A fellow tech, Bradley Xia, and Jules were on their way to the mess hall for a quick bite before crashing. Xia was rambling Jules’ ears off, talking about the girls he wanted to meet on next shore leave.

“I hear the girls here are wild!” he was saying. “A buddy of mine over on the Intrepid said the last time he was here he hooked up with two broads at one of the clubs. Gave him a night he would never forget. And just to hear some of the things they did!”

Jules laughed. “He might be blowing smoke up your ass, Brad.”

Xia shook his head, undaunted. “No way! There are other guys that say the same thing. I’m gonna get me two curvy blonds…or maybe a blond and a redhead.”

Jules chuckled as they entered the mess.

And then sirens began to blare.

“This is the Captain,” Kidd Maverick’s voice barked over the intercom. “All hands to battle stations! All hands to battle stations! Prepare for anti-boarding operations.”

Dinner was quickly forgotten as Jules, Bradley, and the rest of the Amaranth’s crew scrabbled to their stations. Shotguns and needlers were passed out – weapons that would not harm the ship but would ruin a man’s day, for sure. Jules hefted his needler rifle and set out for the docking collar.

Normally, both DropShips would be berthed in the Amaranth’s docking collars. Today, though, the Hydra was on planet divulging its cargo (computer parts, or so Maverick swore). It was just the opening (literally and figuratively) the pirates needed to board. Jules knew that Snellings-Finnegan had his own aerofighter jocks, and wondered why they weren’t trying to beat the pirate DropShip to a pulp. Could the pirates have their own jocks? He didn’t know (in fact, he had no situational awareness of what was going on outside – oh, to be an infantryman again). What he did know was that in a few minutes pirates were going to start streaming through the Amaranth and killing people if he did not do something.

Jules slid into the bay connected to the docking collar, a clutch of sailors already there, positioned every which way behind corners and bulkheads. He took up position behind one of the corners and high, a crewmember below him with her feet facing his. Space made for such interesting tactics and positions.

There was a dull clang as the pirate DropShip slid into the neck of the docking collar, and another as it locked into place. Jules’ heart was beating faster every moment, his grip tightening on the needler’s grip. His mind slid into sharp focus, returning to the training beaten into him the last five years in the Mountain Men.

And, just before the hatch slid open, he thought of Ishtar. Her long, feathery, raven hair, her eyes dark, shimmering emeralds, her alabaster skin soft, and the cloying scent of the perfume she always used. Oh Ishtar…

The terminus parted, and Jules sent a hail of needles into the face of the first dark silhouette that presented itself. The figure didn’t make a sound, the long carbon needles burying their way through the face. He fired again, and another pirate was felled, the body lazily floating through the space. A third spray of needles fired from Jules’ weapon, another form hit, this time in the arm, but the damage was horrendous, and the screams of pain even more so.

In the time it had taken Jules to fire three shots, the rest of the gathered crew had only fired once a piece. Seeing the success of their comrade, the others began to increase their volume. Soon the pirates were scrabbling in an attempt to move past their dead and wounded mates and into the JumpShip.

Jules, seeing an opportunity, had other plans.

“You two, on my mark fire with everything you got.” He turned to another duo. “You two, follow me.”

The four crew gave him unsure nods, but moved into position.


The two sailors below, feet braced, fired again and again in a rapid burst of needles and shot. Jules shot through the open space, the other two crew behind him, and slid into the yawning DropShip entrance. He was met with yells of dismay and anger, but quickly silenced them as he arrested his movement and filled the ranks of pirates with a flurry of deadly needles. The two other sailors followed his example, raining death and destruction into the gathered ranks of pirates. These bandits had expected an easy catch and had packed the corridor tight. Now it worked against them.

As Jules moved ahead other members of the Amaranth took courage from his wild charge and began falling in behind him, firing at whatever moved. In short order Jules and his ad-hoc squad (he counted eleven in his little following) had cleared a great deal of the ship, and more teams were moving forward to secure the enemy vessel. But it wasn’t over yet. They still had to make it to the bridge.

Now the pirates knew they were done, but none of them wanted to die. Every corner was a death trap as two or three rogues would cross their fires, dominating a single short corridor or doorway. Jules and his team battled like banshees out of hell, filling each area with a hail of death and chaos, making the stubborn bandits pay for their lack of capitulation.

There was one entrance: the door to the bridge. Jules sent two of his squad, a man named al Zaid and a woman named Dhanoa, forward to check the door. With practiced moved the two slid down the short corridor, weapons tracking, and to the terminus itself. Careful hands felt around the crevasses, searching for wires or objects that could lead to booby traps. It was a tense few moments as the two crewmembers finished up their inspection.

“Clear,” al Zaid said.

Suddenly the door opened and a man stood, shotgun in hand, his tattooed face a mask of rage. He shot al Zaid at point blank range, bursting the man’s head like a melon. Dhanoa swung her needler pistol up and hit the bandit in the neck. His shotgun forgotten, the pirate clutched his ruined throat, gasping and gargling for air as bright red blood streamed freely into the zero gravity. Another clutch of needles ended his life.

The squad shot into the bridge, weapons ready, blood up. Some part of Jules’ mind was angry he lost al Zaid, but he pushed it aside with practiced ease – he would mourn him later, now there was fighting to be done. There was a lone woman on the bridge, curled up in a command chair. In her arms was a screaming babe, wrapped close in a white blanket. The woman was obviously a pirate. The tattoos over her face, arms, and chest marked her a veteran. But there was no fight in her except to protect the infant.

“We’re not going to hurt you,” Jules said softly, but not lowering his weapon. “Surrender, and you’ll be taken care of.” He looked at the still wailing baby. “Your child too.”

For a moment Jules thought she was going to do something – attack, blow herself up – and his white-knuckled hand gripped the needler rifle ever tighter. Then, defeat and weariness washing over her features, the bandit-mistress sighed and nodded.

“I surrender,” she said, her voice husky and cracked.

The squad sighed, lowering their weapons (a bit).

“So,” Jules said. “Anyone know how to work the comm stations?”

An hour later the pirate DropShip was clear. The badits’ JumpShip and second DropShip had been claimed by the Hegemony, but Snellings-Finnegan had demanded that the ship that attacked the Amaranth remain with his fleet (he did have an empty docking collar on his flagship, after all). Request granted, the merchant fleet moved to integrate the vessel into their ranks and cleanse it of anything pirate left behind.

The woman and her child, on the other hand, had been taken to Captain Maverick immediately, Jules and one of his squad, a man named Peavley, acting as guard. Snellings-Finnegan was present, too, interested in what she knew. What they gleaned from her was amazing (and a bit sad). The man that had stood in the doorway and shot al Zaid was her husband. She had wanted to surrender, but he feared what the anti-boarding party would do to their child. Their captain, now very dead at the hands of Marian marines, had brought his crew here with the promise of an easy raid and riches.

What was most interesting, though, was where they came from.

“We have a base,” she was saying, breast feeding her child as she spoke. “It’s about six or seven jumps from here. We didn’t bring any of the big hardware, just some fighters and weapons. Didn’t think we’d meet this much resistance.”

“Big hardware?” Maverick asked. “What do you mean?”

“BattleMechs,” she admitted. “And more aerofighters. Some tanks. We still have people back there, keeping everything running. Some of the older guys and the kids too young to fight, our slaves. About five hundred in all.”

“You said BattleMechs and tanks,” Snellings-Finnegan inquired. “How many?”

“Sixteen old BattleMechs,” the woman said. “Nothing advanced. All built decades before the Clans showed up. And twenty-four mixed tanks, mostly hovercraft. Again, all old, nothing fancy. But all solid.”

Jules thought he could see C-bill signs ringing up in the merchant-prince’s eyes.

“Why would you tell us this, Misses…?” Maverick asked.

“Hailey,” the woman replied. “Just Hailey. And I want to go home.”

Maverick gave her a hard look. “What, is there some trap waiting for us? Looking to lure us in so that the rest of your pirate band can spring you and your baby loose and take our ships and people as plunder?”

Hailey shook her head and adjusted her feeding baby. “The majority of our fighting men and women are killed or captured. I am trying to keep my child alive, as well as the children left at our base. If there was a trap, we would be putting their lives at risk, too. We are pirates, not genocidal maniacs.”

“What do you think, Mr. Snellings-Finnegan?” Maverick asked, apparently seeing the same thing Jules saw, but wasn’t happy about it.

“I say,” Snellings-Finnegan commanded, “that once we’re done with our business here, our fleet has a small mission to accomplish.”

And, suddenly, Jules felt the same sense of dread he saw on Maverick’s face. Seeing the galaxy was one thing. Going into uncharted space to find a pirate base was completely another.

Ishtar, why aren’t you here?

* * *

Merchant-class JumpShip Waking Truth

High Orbit of Explorer Corps Designation EC91685510A

Anti-Spinward Deep Periphery

16 January 3064

They were here – wherever here was. Roger didn’t care. The promise of finding a home in two weeks had boosted morale tenfold. Already his people were talking about what they would put in their new houses, the kinds of plants they would grow in their garden, and how much land their homes would sit on. Roger thought a lot of this was distracting, but kept his mouth shut. He hadn’t seen his people this happy in a long time.

“Precentor Martial,” Demi-Precentor Talia Ivaarson said, snapping a quick salute as Roger walked onto the bridge of the Waking Truth.

“Talia,” Roger began.

Ivaarson stopped him mid-sentence with a raised hand. “You led us this far, and now we have a new home. You deserve the title. Besides, the rest of the men and women already call you Precentor-Martial anyway.”

Roger’s only response was a grunt.

Ivaarson glided in closer, halting her movement by grabbing a rung welded to the wall.

“Roger,” Ivaarson began, her voice low so the bridge crew couldn’t hear. “I appreciate the fact that you’re trying not to be some power hungry dictator and just take over. But you are our military leader, and you are the one that has led us from the Explorer Corps to here. For the good of this command and our dependents you need to take the title of Precentor-Martial. For now. We can work out things like government and civilian leadership later.”

“And a name,” Roger said, more to himself than to Ivaarson.

“Some have offered up House Keen,” Talia replied.

Roger laughed, a sharp, loud laugh that drew the heads of the bridge crew.

“You think I’m kidding,” Talia said.

“I’m not becoming some pantomime of the Successor States,” Roger said.

“But we’re not ComStar anymore,” Talia said.

“A name would unify us, give us some guiding vision,” Roger said. “But it has to be something that represents everyone.”

“Order of Sims?” Talia asked. “After Primus Adrienne Sims that founded the Explorer Corps? Or perhaps something after Precentor Gavilov who helped expand the mission of the Explorer Corps?”

Roger ran a hand against his chin in thought.

“I’m not so sure harkening back to our ComStar roots is the way to go,” Roger said.

“It is something everyone has in common,” Talia said.

“It’s also what we are all running from.”

Talia frowned.

“Keep thinking about it, and we’ll talk about it when everyone meets in two hours,” Roger said. “We have preparations to make before making landfall.”

“Aye. . .Precentor-Martial.”

Roger grinned as he turned and left the bridge. 

Precentor-Martial. Roger never saw himself as Precentor-Martial, of either ComStar or any other organization. Technically it should have been Primus. If Roger had to choose, though, he liked Precentor Martial better.

Aside from a name, a hundred other things ran through Roger’s head as he slipped through the Waking Truth to the berth were his family was; organization of resources, who should make planet fall first, how the population should be transported down thereafter, organizing patrols in air/space and on the ground, building shelters, hunting and gathering, farming, logistics for his military forces. The list ran on and on, and each item was due in the next two hours. 

Roger had to force himself to remain calm under the pressure of everything that he now faced. As he reached the cabins of the naval ratings and families he ensured to maintain a confident, steady smile. One thing Roger promised is that his subordinates, and especially the dependents, would never see him despair, or explode in a show of uncontrolled emotion. Roger knew he was his peoples’ foundation and he could not be seen to falter.

The stress began to bleed away as Roger opened the door to his family’s cramped cabin, and the faces of his wife, Crystal, and his twin boys Sean and Colin, greeted him.

“You’re back early,” Crystal said, floating on the far side of the cabin, a datapad in her hands.

“Just taking a much needed break,” Roger said as he floated past his children to meet Crystal.

Catching himself on a rung in the floor, Roger drew Crystal close and kissed her.

“Ugh, gross, get a room,” Sean said in mock disgust.

“Yeah, no public displays of affection, sir,” Colin said.

Sean and Colin were both sixteen – hardly boys, but to Roger they would always be his boys. Both had Roger’s strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, high cheek bones, and freckles. But where Sean was of a moderate, fit build like Roger, Colin was slightly heavier, a trait he inherited from Crystal’s family.

“So what’s the good word?” Crystal asked.

“Meeting on moving to the planet in two hours,” Roger said. “We’ll start putting boots on the ground tomorrow.”

Sean and Colin whooped and hollered in excitement.

“About time,” Sean said.

“I want to be the first human to set foot down there,” Colin said.

“We’ll be going last,” Roger said.

Both boys groaned, their shoulders slumping in dejection.

“How much longer?” Colin asked.

“Two or three days,” Roger said. “We’ve spent the better part of a year on this ship, another few days won’t kill us.”

“Yes it will!” Sean exclaimed, wailing and placing the back of his hand on his forehead. “We’re dying. Dying!”

“Very funny,” Crystal said. “I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to help in the preparation.”

Roger turned to eye both of his sons. “Have either of you talked to the Waking Truth’s logistics chief, Adept Liu yet?”

Both boys responded by mumbling under their breaths.

“That’s what I thought,” Roger said.

“We are still working on our school work,” Sean said, hefting the datapad in his hand.

“And logistics isn’t really where I want to be,” Colin said. “I want to be in the Explorer Corps.” Colin paused for a moment. “Or ComGuards. . .or whatever we are.”

“Speaking of which,” Roger said, “the subject of our name has come up recently.”

Crystal gave Roger a look that told him he was very wrong. “It’s been a subject we civilians have been talking about for quite some time. It’s nice that our military has caught on, too.”

“Regardless,” Roger said, deflecting his wife. “It’s something that needs to be addressed.”

“You should be a king, dad,” Sean said. “Then we could be House Keen, like a lot of people have talked about.”

“We are not a monarchy,” Roger said.

“It’d be cool,” Sean said with a frown.

“Is the area fertile?” Colin asked.

“Old Explorer Corps reports say it is,” Roger replied. “Though all of their studies were done from space. But the basin in which we’ll set up the settlement shows promise. Lots of rivers. We’ll be set up above the flood plain.”

“Why not call our new home Vinland?” Colin asked. “The name the Vikings gave America because of its fertile lands where they could grow berries for wine?”

Roger thought about it. “That. . .actually isn’t a bad idea.”

“Wow, bro, you have good ideas?” Sean asked.

Colin shrugged. “I have my moments.”

“I’ll propose it at the meeting later,” Roger said. 

“Can we still join?” Colin asked. “You know I-“

Roger cut him off. “No, Colin. Maybe down the road when we get established. Right now I need you boys helping with the colonization effort, and the best place for you is with Adept Liu helping with our logistics.”

“But-!” Colin said, trying to argue.

“No buts,” Roger said. “That’s that. Now let’s have lunch before I have to get back to work.

Roger’s lunch with his family – just some meals ready to eat that were neither very tasteful or flavorful – was rejuvenating. Two hours later he glided into the briefing room with his subordinate commanders feeling more relaxed.

“Good afternoon,” Roger said to the gathered Demi-Precentors and senior Adepts as he took his place at the head of the conference table. “Before we get down to business on colonizing, I want to discuss the matter of what we’ll call our new home, since we no longer belong to ComStar.

“How does Vinland sound?”

Colin Keen excused himself from his family’s cramped cabin – a room meant for a single senior officer rating – stating he needed to go for a walk.

“Don’t you mean a glide? Or a swim?” Sean asked.

“Whatever,” Colin said, not in the mood to argue with his twin. “I need to clear my head.”

Where Sean fed on people surrounding him, Colin needed time to himself. The last year had been a test of Colin’s patience as the cramped confines of a ship, especially an overpopulated ship like the Waking Truth, were no place to have privacy. But Colin had made due, finding hide holes and chutes not regularly in use to float, stare at nothing, and think.

And that’s what Colin needed at that moment: some solitude. No datapad, no family, no books. Just a blank wall and the insides of his mind.

Colin maneuvered himself through the cramped corridors of the Merchant-class Waking Truth, having to dodge and shimmy past other denizens, both former Explorer Corps and civilian. Though he had meant to save his thinking for his hideaway, he couldn’t help his mind wandering as he glided through the decks of the ship.

Help with the logistics chief, Colin’s father had said. It was far from what Colin wanted to do. Listening to bits and pieces of talk through the Waking Truth and its DropShips, Colin had picked up that there were tanks that needed crew, at least one ‘Mech that needed a warrior, and plenty of positions in the Waking Truth’s marine contingent. Colin didn’t care which unit he joined, he just wanted to join.

The irony of Colin’s desire to join the military wasn’t lost on him. Colin needed time alone, and being in a tank or in a marine platoon would force him to be surrounded by people almost all the time, every day. Being in a ‘Mech would provide him solitude, but he would still have a chain of command, and a radio to communicate through.

But Colin wanted to fight. The school work his parents, and the teachers in their contingent, had assigned Colin and the other youths had led him to read numerous books on Vikings, knights, samurai, and other warriors from history. The battles and wars of ancient history, up through the present excited and enticed him. Colin wasn’t naïve as to think war was glorious. Colin had seen much while traveling around the galaxy with his father and the Explorer Corps. But Colin wanted to serve and to fight to protect his family and their new home.

That was what was going through Colin’s mind as he turned a corner and bumped into Demi-Precentor Jerek Yarok, commander of the contingent’s armor forces.

“Demi-Precentor,” Colin said in greeting.

“Colin,” Yarok said. “I just got out of a meeting with your father not too long ago.”

“All’s well I hope?” Colin asked.

Yarok shrugged. “As good as a new colonization effort without the support of ComStar can go I guess.”

“I see.”

There was a moment of silence.

“Something I can do for you?” Yarok asked.

“Um. . .maybe,” Colin said, his words coming out slow. “What kind of positions are empty in your formations?”

“Empty positions?” Yarok asked. The bigger man scratched his well-groomed brown beard, his dark brown eyes looking at nothing in particular as he thought. “Well I have a few empty seats in my Chevalier tanks, left vacant by a few of our guys and gals that decided to not join us on our merry expedition to nowhere.”

“Would you take me on?” Colin asked.

“Aren’t you a little young?” Yarok asked. “And I would have to ask your father.”

Colin looked away. “Actually. . .I would prefer if my father didn’t know.”

Yarok folded his arms across his broad chest. “We aren’t so large that something like the new Precentor Martial’s son joining up would go unnoticed.”

“But we need people to help defend our new colony,” Colin said. “You said yourself you were short a few people. Who knows what we’ll find down there, or what could find us.”

Though Yarok had said no, Colin saw on Yarok’s face the thought going through the man’s mind.

“Please,” Colin said. “I’ll work double hard to learn the vehicle and be a good Acolyte.”

Yarok sighed and looked at his watch – an old fashioned time piece that looked as though gears and springs ran it, rather than hardware and software.

“My first contingent of vehicles drops dirtside at zero six zulu, on the dot,” Yarok said. “I may, or may not, have a tank that has an empty seat on it. Someone wanting some oh-jay-tee could, theoretically, show up an hour beforehand to get that seat.”

Colin’s heart began to race and he opened his mouth to say something.

“Now, should a certain Precentor-Martial get wind of this,” Yarok said, “and tells me to kick said individual out, well then they’re out, no questions asked. You hear me?”

“Y-yes sir,” Colin said, excitement bubbling out of his voice.


With that, Yarok moved past Colin.

“See you tomorrow,” Yarok said over his shoulder. “Acolyte.”

* * *

Fortress-class DropShip Siegfried

Zenith Jump Point, Vhitijarvi 

Lyran Alliance

20 January 3064

Ulrich Friedlander hovered next to his wife, Zlata, in the cramped quarters of the Fortress-class Dropship Siegfried. Normally the Fortress-class held a full combined arms battalion, and quarters were relatively spacious. The combined population of this “expedition of freedom” as it was being called had made space on all DropShips and the two JumpShips very sparse. It wore on both of them, especially with some of the noises coming from the other bunks in the middle of the night.

Stops, Ulrich and the rest of the travelers were learning, were times of concern. Neither JumpShip, a Merchant-class dubbed Berlin and an Invander-class named Wotan, had lithium fusion batteries, and so could not double jump like newer or upgraded JumpShips. The JumpShips were forced to recharge normally.

While they recharged, though, there was the chance that they could be found out by the Lyran Navy. It wouldn’t have been an issue if it was just a group of people looking to strike out into the Deep Periphery. There had been other such ventures funded and based out the Lyran Alliance.

Those other ventures didn’t have stolen Lyran military equipment.

As Ulrich and Zlata had arrived at the designated rally point for those joining the expedition, Ulrich had learned that his Hauptmann and Heinrich’s Barghest weren’t the only pieces of equipment that had been “acquired” to arm this little adventure. BattleMechs new and old, armored vehicles of varying weight classes, the latest Lyran assault rifles and infantry weapons, a handful of Aerofighters, and rumor had it even suits of Battle Armor were stuffed away in the holds of their DropShips.

When Ulrich had heard this his mind set off numerous red flags and alarms. This was treason, and there was only one logical punishment for traitors.


The thought churned and broiled at the fore of Ulrich’s mind. What if they found them out? What would happen to Zlata? Ulrich would never forgive himself if something happened to his beloved wife. Just thinking about it made Ulrich hug Zlata closer as she dozed in his embrace.


Ulrich turned his head, doing his best not to wake Zlata, to look at his brother, Heinrich.


Herr Wagner wants to see us,” Heinrich replied.

With a kiss on Zlata’s head, Ulrich reluctantly peeled himself out of the sleeping bag secured to the wall. Ulrich zipped the sleeping bag back up before pushing off the floor with his foot to follow Heinrich.

“I’m not sure I like this Wagner,” Ulrich said, his voice low.

“He’s the one bank rolling this colonization effort,” Heinrich said. “Of all the investors, he has put up twenty-five percent of the funds. He’s is directly responsible for us leaving the Lyran Alliance and the Inner Sphere to make new lives for ourselves.”

Ulrich shook his head. “It’s just the way he talks to people, like he’s their liege lord. I don’t want to trade one dictatorial monarch for another.”

“He’s just direct with people,” Heinrich said as they slid from the Siegfried into the Wotan. “He was a big shot on Donegal. Made his money in property market across the Donegal and Skye Theaters.”

“Then why leave?” Ulrich asked, liking Wagner less and less the more Heinrich talked about the man.

“He has the same goal as us,” Heinrich replied. “Freedom. To be out from under Archon Katrina Steiner. When she took power he lost a lot of money when she federalized many of his properties, then “gifted” them to some of her political allies.”

While Ulrich could sympathize with Wagner’s plight, something still didn’t sit right in Ulrich’s stomach.

Ulrich put his misgivings about Wagner aside as he and Heinrich made their way to the Wotan’s centrifuge, and into Wagner’s personal conference room.

Rudolf Christian Wagner had spared little expense in decorating this conference room. The long conference table was made of real wood, and to Ulrich it looked like one large piece. Already about twenty people had taken their seats in the black, ergonomic chairs that lined the polished wood table, and there were seats for another dozen people or so. Display screens lined the conference room, and some were already active, showing what Ulrich assumed to be another conference room – smaller, yet similarly opulent – on the Berlin.

At the head of the long, wooden conference table sat Wagner himself. Wagner’s head was shaved, and his large, bald head glistened in the artificial light of the conference room. Large blue eyes scanned and studied every detail of every person in the conference room. Massive shoulders and arms like those of an Atlas Battlemech moved giant hands that jotted notes as Wagner observed. Though Wagner seemed normal height at this distance, Ulrich knew better. Wagner dwarfed everyone else in the population of the expedition.

“Take your seats,” Wagner said, his voice commanding.

Immediately, it seemed, everyone stopped what they were doing and found a chair. Even Ulrich found himself compelled to follow Wagner’s command.

“Updates,” was Wagner’s next order.

In quick succession the ship captains and their department chiefs updated Wagner on the status of the ships, the crews, and their cramped populations. Shortly after, several other individuals that Ulrich guessed to be Wagner’s personal staff provided information on the wrap up of merchant operations on the planet of Vhitijarvi IV, as well as intelligence reports on Lyran agents and military movements in-system.

“What the hell are we doing here?” Ulrich asked, his voice low.

“No idea,” Heinrich said. “But Wagner’s assistant said he wanted us here.”

Ulrich looked back down the table toward Wagner. To Wagner’s left sat a lean, tall woman with raven black hair, dark eyes, and pale skin. While Wagner jotted notes here and there, the woman to his right was a flurry of numerous sharp movements as she wrote and called up information on her datapad.

“Any questions?” the last person, a dark skinned woman in a crimson business suit asked.

“None,” Wagner said. “Dismissed.”

And that was that. Ulrich realized that barely twenty minutes has gone by since Wagner had started the meeting. Yet Ulrich recalled a wealth of information that had been presented. He’s efficient, Ulrich thought to himself as he and Heinrich stood to leave with the rest of those present.

“Ulrich and Heinrich Friedlander?” a voice to Ulrich’s right asked.

Ulrich turned and was met by the sharp stare of Wagner’s raven haired assistant.

“Yes?” Ulrich asked.

Herr Wagner would like a word with you both.”

Ulrich followed Wagner’s assistant – he still didn’t know her name – followed closely by Heinrich.

“Gentlemen,” Wagner said in his gravelly, deep bass voice. “Sit.”

Again, at Wagner’s order Ulrich was compelled to follow. What was it about the man’s tone that made Ulrich jump to obey? Ulrich made a mental note to be on guard in the future.

“You are brothers,” Wagner said. It wasn’t a question.

“We are,” Ulrich replied.

“And you both served in the Lyran military.” Again a statement, not a question.

“We did,” Heinrich said, his head bobbing in a nod.

“If our colony is to survive we require warriors to defend us,” Wagner said.

“We have BattleMechs,” Heinrich said, jumping in. “I helped secure that shipment of-“

A dark look from Wagner silenced Heinrich.

“So what do you want?” Ulrich asked.

“We will need a military, and I would like to organize ours better, more efficiently.”

“Did you serve?” Ulrich asked.

“Yes,” Wagner said. “First on the streets of Donegal’s cities. Then in the Donegal Guards.”

A gangster, Ulrich thought. That explains a lot.

“So what do you want from us?” Ulrich asked.

“I want you to help me organize our forces,” Wagner said. “I need men with fresh eyes and minds to build an armed forces that is efficient, effective, flexible, and lean.”

“I’m not sure you can have all four,” Ulrich replied.

“Yes we can,” Wagner said. “We must. And we can make it happen.”

“Surely you brought other military men and women on this venture,” Ulrich said. “Some high ranking brass? I’m sure they could help you.”

“Some,” Wagner said. “But they are old, and stuck in their ways. They would have us reform the Armed Forces of the Lyran Commonwealth from the days before the Fourth Succession War. I need something better.”

Ulrich didn’t know what to say. Why him? He waited for Wagner to continue.

“You were a Hauptmann in the Arcturan Guards,” Wagner said.

“Yes,” Ulrich replied.

“I will make you a general.”

Ulrich almost choked. “Pardon me, but this makes no sense. I was a Hauptmann in a BattleMech Battalion. Throw a rock and you could have hit a dozen Hauptmanns. I don’t understand. Why us?”

“I chose Heinrich for his work acquiring those BattleMechs for us. It was his plan that brought success.” Wagner leaned in closer to Ulrich. “I choose you for your record.”

As if on cue, Wagner’s assistant brought up several windows on her datapad.

“Twenty-fifth Arcturan Guards commando team leader in the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone, disrupting much of their logistics,” the assistant said. “As well as service during the Jade Falcon incursion of thirty fifty-eight, and the Marik reprisal war in fifty-seven.

“How did you get that information?” Ulrich asked, slowly. “Especially about my commando missions?”

“I have my resources,” Wagner said. “The point is you know how to operate both conventional and unconventional forces. I want that for the command of the armed forces.”

“And you are going to be our commander-in-chief,” Ulrich said, almost spitting the words back.

“For now.”

“And if I don’t agree?” Ulrich asked.

Wagner paused for a moment, and Urich wondered if the man wasn’t used to people questioning him. Then Wagner slowly put down his datapad, pushed his chair back from the polished wood conference table, and stood, towering over Ulrich and Heinrich.

“Don’t cross me,” Wagner said. “First because we are on the same side, and I am offering you the chance to do great things for our new colony, once we arrive there. Second, because the streets of Donegal’s cities were brutally harsh and unforgiving, and I clawed my way to the top before joining the Lyran military. While I don’t want to, I can and will crush you like a gnat, and I won’t send some goons to do my dirty work for me. Is that clear?”

Ulrich didn’t say anything, only nodded.

“Good.” Wagner sat back down and pulled his chair back up to the conference table. “Meet me tomorrow, here, at zero-seven, General Friedlander. Dismissed.”

Ulrich wanted to sprint out of the conference room, but he didn’t. Instead he worked his hardest to keep his composure and strode out of the conference room at what he thought was a normal pace. Once outside the conference room (and once the door had closed) Heinrich grabbed Ulrich’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong with you?” Heinrich asked, keeping his voice low.

“What’s wrong with me?” Ulrich asked. “The man leading us is a hardened criminal.”

“You heard him,” Heinrich said. “He is on our side. He just made you a general.”

“So I can lead his criminal legions?” Ulrich asked. “Is he going to turn us into pirates?”

“You may not like his past, but he’s going to get us to our new home,” Heinrich said. “Just hear him out. Work with him. Besides he wasn’t a criminal when he gave up all he had to lead this venture.”

“That you know of.”

Heinrich rolled his eyes. “Ulrich, just trust me, okay? I’ve gotten us this far, haven’t I?”

Ulrich said nothing. He just glared at his brother.

“And clearly Wagner sees something in you that he wants in a military leader,” Heinrich continued. “Hell, I didn’t even know about those commando missions into the Falcon O-Z.”

“And you weren’t supposed to,” Ulrich said.

“But he has a point,” Heinrich said. “Doesn’t he? Aren’t you in an excellent position to positively affect and mold our new military?”

Ulrich opened his mouth to say something, but found himself without a retort. What if he could lead their colony’s military? What if he could change those things he hated about the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces? And, above all, it would put him in a prominent place to protect and provide for Zlata.

“Alright,” Ulrich said. “I’ll follow Wagner. . .for now.”

Until he proves I shouldn’t, Ulrich thought to himself as he and Heinrich made their way back to the Siegfried.

On Hold

It’s been almost a year since I release my book “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA”. The goal was to rapidly write the next novel following Petr and his motley crew on their next adventure. It was a lofty goal.

It’s a goal I’m unable to meet.

Between work, school, reading for work and school, and kids the second book in Petr’s adventures has been put on hold.

When will Petr’s adventures be taken back up? I can’t say. Work is about to get more busy, while my other commitments in life are set to be just as, if not more, taxing.

Such is life I suppose. One has to say “No” to things in order to maintain balance and order in life. So perhaps it’s healthy. However, it’s also disappointing. I enjoy writing fiction. To take this break seems like a setback.

Hopefully I can write some short fiction in the meantime. Maybe it will be in the “Star Folk” universe. Maybe it will be something else.

Until then, I’ll work to post here more often. Social media is a real dumpster fire. Facebook is bad. Twitter is absolute trash. Instagram…maybe I’ll keep Instagram.

Until next time.

Quick Update 08102020

It’s been a while since I posted a blog updated so I figured I’d drop one today.


“PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA” kicked off with quite a few sales. I’m still plugging away at marketing it. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, head over to Amazon and grab it today!


Book 2 of Petr’s adventures is going…it is going…after a disastrous first draft of the outline, I’m reworking it from scratch. More to follow soon.


With work and family time to read has been limited, but I’ve worked it in here and there.

First, I’m reading “A Game of Clans”. This in depth book about humanity’s ancestors, specifically the Proto-Indo-Europeans, starts out very sceince-based with focuses on haplogroups. The reader can get lost pretty quick. However, once through the first chapter the book is a great insight into how our ancient ancestors lived thousands of years ago.

Second, I’m reading “Dragon Operations: Hostage Rescues in the Congo, 1964-1965”. A little professional reading.

And I’m listening to the Audiobook “Black Elk” by Joe Jackson about the life of the Lakota medicine man Black Elk.


I’ve been weebing-out lately, and my watch list consists primarily of Anime. “Blood Blockade Battlefront”, “Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo”, and “Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!” are my latest go-to’s.

Don’t let the Commie Cough get you down!

Where I Get the Best Ideas for Writing

After writing this book, and working on others, a few people asked me where I get my ideas for stories.

The short answer: running.

Or riding my bike.

Or walking.

I generally don’t get ideas lifting. I’m not sure what the difference is in focus.

When I’m running/biking/walking my mind can travel elsewhere. My runs are somewhere between 4 to 7miles – plenty of time for my thoughts to go off into the ether, my brain to process things I’ve been dealing with, and for ideas to enter.

Exercise – whether lifting or cardio – is also a great way for me to take a break and NOT think about the story I’m working on, giving my mind a break so when I come back to it I’m fresh and can think chapters and plots through better.

As an aside, I find if I don’t workout first thing in the morning my writing – and work in general – suffers. I’m sure there’s research on that somewhere.

And what do I do if long runs and mental breaks don’t help bring ideas to the fore?

I bang my head against my desk.

Really. Hard.

Book Debut

It’s been four days since my novel “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA” hit Amazon in paperback and for Kindle.

Thank you to all who have already purchased the book! I greatly appreciate the support, and I hope you’re enjoying the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

To those who haven’t yet, perhaps a few sample chapters will push you off the fence.

From Whence We Came

As some of you may know “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA” is not the first iteration of my book.

Back in 2009/2010 I began writing a book of high adventure in space filled with mercenaries, feudal lords, and grand battles. And in 2011 I had an editor take a first look at it to begin the path to publication.

However, my situation changed and the editing ended. I was looking for a job and I wondered how I could make my book great on my own. I bought several books on self-editing and improving novel manuscripts and worked through each of them. By the time I was finished I thought I had a solid book to sell.

But after almost a year on Amazon kindle, B&N Nook, Kobo, and the iBookstore my sales of “DER STERNVOLKER” had gone from a trickle to none, and none of the follow-up short stories set in the same universe were selling. The title of my book was also really bad German…

I decided to submit my book to a professional reading service through Writer’s Digest. For a fee a professional author in the same genre reads your book, or an excerpt, and provides a few hundred words of feedback. A well-published scifi author read my book, and the feedback he provided was very insightful.

He loved the story, but noted that it seemed like there were three or four stories all wrapped up into one. I was trying to do too much with too little focus.

After that I was determined to rewrite the book to make it better.


And then life hit. I got a girlfriend, we had a baby, then got married. My full-time job began taking more of my time. We moved a few times. I got a divorce.

Life takes a lot out of a person, especially when writing isn’t the main source of income. Other priorities come first.

But I kept writing, and in fact my divorce was a catalyst that lit a fire under me.


At one point I had some extra money and submitted to another editor – and quickly regretted it. The individual was a “Yes” person and while they helped a lot with grammar and punctuation, they did little for the content of the story.

Another editor took a very close look at the content of my book, and i worked with them to cut a lot of the fat and restructure the story.

Finally, in 2019 I found an editor that had been in the industry for fifteen years and had led a great list of authors to publication. Four months of back and forth got my manuscript tightened up to where it needed to be.


I was optimistic about what my editor said about publication. Based on his assessment I was sure my book would be picked up by an agent and publisher in no time.

But the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. After waiting I received a slew of rejection emails, while other agents didn’t respond.

Literary agents receive thousands of queries weekly, if not daily. They have a lot to sift through and they have to choose books they think will sell.

While I understand their predicament it still frustrates me. I’ve seen and read some of the absolute garbage that gets professionally published.

I write what I want to see in books, specifically scifi (maybe eventually fantasy). And, if social media is any measure, it seems what I write is in line with what other people want to read but aren’t getting.

After 100 or so rejections/no-responses I decided to self-publish through Amazon.

Some might wonder, “Why just Amazon? Why no B&N or iBookstore?”

That WOULD provide more exposure. However, formatting for kindle/Amazon Paperback is not the same as formatting for Nook, iBookstore, Kobo or the others. Each format is more work. I didn’t see the juice being worth the squeeze. And with smart devices anyone can quickly download the Kindle App and get my book. This may change in the future, but this is the way it is for now.

Going Forward

Besides my family and my real-person full-time job my writing time is split between promoting “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA” and writing another book.

Will we see Petr and his merry crew in my next book?


A benefit of self-publishing is working on what you want. While I have a full outline for the next of Petr’s adventures, I currently despise it with every ounce of my being.

So I’m working on another project, and will revisit the next Star Folk book later.

Regardless of sales (or lack there of – no! there will be sales!) I will keep “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA” up on the Amazon store into perpetuity.

I hope you enjoy my book, and look out for more from me in the future!

Free Chapters

If you haven’t heard already, my book “PETR: A STAR FOLK SAGA” will release Memorial Day Weekend on Amazon in paperback and for kindle.

That’s almost a week away!

As a bonus before then I’m posting two FREE chapters of the book, just to tease you a bit.

Enjoy! And look forward to the book next weekend!

* * * * *


Chapter 2

Batumi, Tetradze District, Olympus Mons Technocracy, Mars, 9 October 2304


An explosion tossed Petr sideways, the five-point crash harness preventing him from slamming into the cockpit wall. He struggled to keep his shuttle under control as he dove through the stratosphere of Mars.

“What the hell, Batumi Control?” Petr exclaimed. “What’s going on down there?”

“Just land, dammit!” came the exasperated voice of the air traffic controller. “Get down here, stupid barbarian!”

“I didn’t sign on to some combat mission,” Petr said with as much calm as he could muster. Petr continued toward Mars’ surface. This was supposed to be an easy job – in, out, get paid.

The sound of an explosion filled Petr’s headphones.

This paycheck wasn’t worth dying for. Others on Mars could offer Petr jobs. Petr could whip his battered Raptor back into orbit. This client would never hire him again, but this client could also cease to exist in the next hour. The flak erupting around Petr’s shuttle did not bode well.

Money was what kept Petr from turning back. It was money, above all else, that Petr needed if he was going to fulfill his goal of becoming the man he wanted to be and proving his worth to his family and tribe.

Petr touched the rosary hanging from the Raptor’s heads up display.

A light show greeted Petr as he cut through the dark gray thunderclouds and neared the Batumi Space Port. Ruby lasers pulsed across the slate gray tarmac. From high above it seemed like ants swarmed around the space port, as if their nest had been disturbed.

As Petr descended the “ants” became soldiers loping along clad in two-ton suits of power armor. The soldiers looked like the knights of ancient Terra, but the right arm of the suit terminated in the barrel of a powerful laser. Both sides of this battle were firing lasers, hundreds of glistening ruby crystals burned before erupting into powerful beams. Where the beams touched, death followed. The thick carapace of the power armor was no match for the onslaught of the lasers.

Both sides also appeared to be wearing the same armor with the same family crest, and Petr became confused. What was going on?

“Pad one!” the air traffic controller screamed. “You’re flying right over pad one!”

“Pad one is a war zone.”

“You want to get paid?”

Petr grimaced, shutting his mouth and maneuvering his shuttle down toward Pad One.

Combat aircraft roared overhead, some coming dangerously close to Petr, but thankfully none fired at him. Lasers and missiles streaked overhead as Petr set the Raptor shuttle down on the tarmac. One missile whistled so close past Petr’s cockpit that he saw the warhead in stunning detail. Adrenaline pumped through Petr’s body, heightening his senses to their fullest. Petr lowered the Raptor’s rear loading ramp, his mind thinking of only one thing: survival. And survival meant exiting the area as quickly as possible.

A red beam burned past Petr’s craft as he doffed his helmet and squeezed back into the cargo bay. Normally Raptors would have a large empty space for crates and equipment, but Petr’s ship was a second-hand military shuttle bought off a down and out mercenary outfit, and so ten harnesses for power-armored infantry lined the cargo section.

Petr expected space port personnel to greet him and load the cargo, but instead the tarmac lay empty. Petr shuffled to the end of the loading ramp as he looked for someone who knew what was going on. Thunder rumbled, promising rain.

“Hello?” Petr yelled over the din of battle.

Suddenly, a dark form eclipsed Petr.

“Move aside,” said a deep, metallic voice from a speaker.

Petr looked up into the glaring emerald eye of a suit of Renegade power armor. Only Star Folk mercenaries wore Renegade power armor. Petr’s mind tried to work through exactly what he was seeing and why. Why were Star Folk mercenaries here?

“Move aside now!”

Petr was pushed aside with the suit’s three-clawed, tubular arm. He watched in disbelief as two more troopers in Renegade power armor trudged out of the hangar next to the tarmac and stomped up the Raptor’s rear loading ramp, carrying two oblong, gray crates between them. All three suits were midnight black with Thor’s hammer pendantsfestooned on their rounded shoulder guards and the bulbous, hunchback-like power packs on their backs.

“Who are you?” Petr asked. “What the hell are you doing in my shuttle?”

“Security for the cargo you were hired to transport,” the first trooper said. “We need to go.”

The explosion of a building several hundred meters away set Petr into motion and he darted back up into the Raptor. As Petr went he caught a quick glimpse of the cargo he was to carry. It didn’t look like much. Though the crates seemed innocuous, something nagged at the back of Petr’s mind, telling him these very boxes were the cause of all the wonton destruction outside.

Petr refocused on the payout. This wasn’t his war. He just had to complete this job and collect the money he needed.

“Batumi, this is Petr Drexel,” Petr said as he donned his helmet and snapped himself into the pilot seat’s five-point harness. “I have the cargo and I am preparing for take-off.”

“About time,” the air traffic controller replied, sounding both relieved and exasperated. “Coordinates have been sent to your shuttle. Remember-“

The feed suddenly cut out. The traffic control tower erupted in a ball of flame.

Petr switched from radio communications to shuttle internal communications. “You all better be strapped in back there. This ride could be a little bumpy.”

Petr heard a litany of complaints and curses from his passengers as he shut the shuttle’s rear loading ramp.

Soon the battle was below them, and Petr guided the Raptor away from the space port. Large, fat drops of rain smacked against the shuttle’s cockpit. Petr breathed a sigh of relief. With this job finished, he’d be one more step toward his goal.

An alarm on the shuttle’s heads up display made Petr jump. Missile lock.

“Damn!” Petr exclaimed as he yanked hard on the control stick. The Raptor dove hard right and down.

The missile still followed.

At the last moment Petr smacked the button to the costly countermeasures. There was a series of loud pops as the Raptor fired flares out its sides and back.

“What’s going on up there?” one of the power-armored men asked.

“Shaking missiles.” Petr’s tone was clipped.

The man let out a stream of colorful curses.

Half a second later Petr’s seat surged into his back as an explosion rocked the rear of the shuttle. The missile had cut through Petr’s countermeasures and found its mark.

Petr felt his stomach float up into his ribcage and throat. He saw the rosary hover in the air.

Please God, no, ran through Petr’s mind.

Then Petr was falling. The nose of the Raptor dipped down hard. Petr yanked back on the control stick, praying that some mechanical system in the shuttle still worked.

The shuttle lifted a little. Maybe the landing wouldn’t be so bad and he and his passengers would live to see another day. There simply wasn’t enough time or space to pull the shuttle out of its dive. Petr announced over the intercom “Brace for impact” as he simultaneously did himself, pushing his back into the pilot’s seat as hard as he could.

The Raptor slammed into the ground and Petr pitched forward, his helmet ramming into the shuttle’s heads up display. The harness holding Petr in the pilot’s seat knocked the wind out of him.

The Raptor’s momentum drove the craft forward several meters through the soft dirt blanketing the planet. Until finally, with a shudder, the shuttle came to a halt.


Chapter 3

Batumi, Tetradze District, Olympus Mons Technocracy, Mars, 9 October 2304


Everything was eerily quiet. Petr sat, head hanging forward. Something in the back of his mind told Petr he needed to get up and move. The pain wracking his body overwhelmed a lifetime of training in the Star Folk Community Fleet. It hurt simply to exist.

With a grunt of effort and immense pain, Petr slapped the harness release and flopped down onto the shuttle’s console. Limbs aching from the crash, Petr pried the bulky helmet from his head, a movement that seemed to take all of his strength and concentration, before dropping it into the pilot’s seat. With great effort Petr crawled back over the empty communications seat and into the rear of the Raptor.

There was a gaping hole full of ripped cables and twisted metal where once the aft starboard side of the Raptor existed. The Raptor’s starboard airlock hung twisted and limp where it was still connected to the shuttle.

Two of the men in Renegade power armor were free of the troop harnesses. Both labored to free their comrade who seemed stuck.

“Hold on, Eyolf,” said the largest one through the Renegade armor’s external speaker. “We’ll get you out of there.”

“What a way to die,” said the man still stuck in the harness.

“You’re not going to die here,” said the other trooper in Renegade armor fighting to free his comrade.

The men bent and twisted the harness. After several attempts the harness was manipulated just enough that the third Renegade armored man could force himself out.

Pain suddenly blossomed inside Petr’s chest, and he stumbled with a sharp cry. The men turned to face Petr, three bug-eyed, round helmets staring at him. Petr swallowed hard as realization flooded his mind: they were going to kill him.

A long, pregnant pause filled the Raptor’s cargo bay as Petr faced the three armored Star Folk men before him. All three black, insect-like helmets glared at Petr from the far side of the cargo bay. Petr waited for one of them to raise the barrel of their heavy machine gun and paint the inside of the shuttle with Petr’s blood.

Petr’s knees gave out, and he sunk to the deck of the Raptor. The crash had done a lot more damage to Petr’s body than he’d thought. The world around him was shaky as he attempted to balance himself.

“We’re leaving him,” said the largest man.

“Sorry champ,” said the one with the wild red strokes on his helmet. “Better luck next time.”

“W-w-wait,” Petr said, his words slurred.

The two smaller armored men took one crate each in the three-clawed hands of their suits, then hopped out of the hole in the ship.

Petr reached out and grabbed the guardrails that led up into the cockpit.  His arms held for a brief moment, then let go. Petr’s world spun as he crashed to the floor, his cheek coming to rest on the cool metal deck of the Raptor’s shuttle bay.

Then Petr’s world turned black.

Book Cover Poll

I recently ran a poll to see which cover would look best for my book.

My friend Martin recommended this. I thought I had the perfect cover picked out, but one look and he wasn’t sure. He suggested I put the covers up for a vote and see what family and friends thought about them.

So I took to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to get feedback and was surprised with the responses.

Option 2 came out on top with 4 votes.

Option 1 was close behind with 3.

And Option 3 came in last with 2 votes.

The reason I was surprised is that I thought more people would push me to get a professionally made cover. That’s what I did with my first (and ultimately failed) self-published book. I’ve seen a lot online where other self-published authors and gurus highly recommend a professionally designed book cover.

The plus is it’s unique and makes the books stand out. The drawback is it costs monies.

I do wonder, however, if the Twitter poll had more exposure if Option 3 would have received more votes.

But I’m driving on. The cover for the eBook and print book have been finalized. I am working on more marketing and getting my book into the hands of reviewers prior to launch. Plan on seeing on a launch date soon!